The Applications of Muscle Failure
Here’s how to use muscle failure properly to build muscle without overloading your central nervous system or risking injury.
How My Wife Ruined Muscle Beach
After forty years as a bodybuilder, Skip finally made it to the iconic Muscle Beach. His experience was anything but epic…
When is the Dream Dead?
Time is a limited commodity and the clock is ticking. How do you know when it’s time to quit?
Back to the Future
Discover the intriguing shifts in gym culture (1984 vs. 2023) and how one veteran lifter cherishes the memories while embracing the changes.
A Bodybuilding Offseason (with Full Program) for the Powerlifter
The bad news: You can’t go hard all the time. It’s the quickest way to burn out — to see your progress stall, to get injured, and to lose interest in your training. The good news: A bodybuilding-style approach to the offseason has a ton of benefits for the powerlifter.
How to Not Get Injured While Training Over 50
As 50+ competitors, we have different rules to follow in order to the play the game. Choose wisely—you only have one life.
4-Day Outlaw Program
The 4-Day Outlaw Program is a combination of conjugate and bodybuilding style training, setup for the multiply lifter yet modified for raw lifters.
16-Week Powerlifting/Bodybuilding Hybrid Program
If you have an equal love for bodybuilding and powerlifting with a goal to become bigger and stronger, this program is for YOU.
#141 Fouad "Hoss" Abiad | Entrepreneur, IFBB Pro, Heavyweight ...
Fouad is a retired Canadian IFBB pro and owner of Hosstile. He racked up an impressive nine top-three finishes over his 15-year tenure, including two victories.
#137 AJ Roberts ⎸ 1,200 Pound Squat, WSBB, and Entrepreneur
AJ Roberts takes a seat in this 137th podcast episode of Dave Tate’s Table Talk.
Observation is a Master Teacher
He seemed like he was from another planet, a planet where the gravity was turned all the way up, and all its inhabitants were strong, powerful, and muscular.
The Optimal Powerbuilding Split
Powerbuilding is not just bodybuilding with the squat, bench press, and deadlift tacked on. It’s also not just powerlifting with accessory exercises.
The Optimal Bodybuilding Split
The biggest mistake I see among lifters is rushing into advanced training too soon. Let’s back up for a minute.
3 Training Rules to Throw in the Trash
When you get to the point that you know what works and what doesn’t, or you are limited by injuries, the rules need to change.
#112 - Westside Barbell Stories (Discipline and Consistency)
Jim Wendler and Matt Rhodes to discuss training, coaching, consistency, discipline, and past Westside Barbell stories
Skip’s 10 Questions for God
God, I know you’re busy answering all of these prayers from people wanting baseball to start (thank you, by the way), the war in Ukraine…
#108 - Season 2 Finale: Louie Simmons and the Future of Table Talk
In the final episode of Season 2, Dave Tate sits down to discuss Louie Simmons’ passing and the future of Dave Tate’s Table Talk Podcast.
#103 - 3 Steps to Get Stronger NOW!
If you’ve plateaued this training season, let Sam be your guide and deliver 3 steps to help you get stronger now.
#101 - Speed Training, Training Volume, and the Crack House
You may be wondering how speed training, training volume, and crack houses all come up in one episode. Listen to find out.
#98 - Alcohol and Training?! What Have We Done!?
What? Yes, you read that title correctly. Whoever said that alcohol and training don’t mix was trying to take away some good times.
#95 - Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond
Matt Mills and Brittany Diamond talk about training for both strongman and powerlifting, gross gym stories, and competition training.
#94 - When Dave Made the Best Gains and Why
In this Table Talk episode, Dave Tate addresses when he felt he was at his “BEST” and what made it possible.
#92 - Fear of Lifting, Getting Paid as a Lifter, and GPP
How to deal with the fear of lifting maximal weights, how to get paid as a Powerlifter, and the integration of GPP into your training.
Thank You Andy, Tony, and Dickhead Steve Jones
I am quite sure that I am not the only one who has had people influence my motivation, positively or negatively. Here are my three.
The Gravitas of Dave Draper
The iconic golden-era bodybuilder, Dave Draper, passed away on November 30th. Read more about his life, legacy, and impact on bodybuilding.
5 Things Bodybuilders Should NOT Do After 50
You don’t have much time to waste or lose when chasing physique ideals at this age. Remember, you’re no longer in your 20s or 30s. Step up!
#82 - Commercial Gym Conjugate and Training Principles
Take a deep dive into how you can work conjugate into your training if you are restricted by what your commercial gym offers.
#77 - Injuries, Perceived Maxes, & Squid Game
Dave Tate and Sam Brown discuss how injuries can make you better, perceived maxes, and Squid Game? What’s going on?
Have Enough Competitors Died Yet?
You might not be there yet, but as more people die you will feel the impact. Hopefully, you’ll question what you are doing.
5 Things I Didn't Expect to Learn from Bodybuilding
I never thought in a million years I’d compete in bodybuilding. The experience proved to be worthwhile and serves all facets of my training.
Should Combat Athletes Bodybuild?
If you’re still in the “bodybuilding will hinder flexibility” camp, it’s time for you to update your training IQ.
Is Bodybuilding Worth It?
I have pondered this question for years. When it’s all said in done, will you be able to face the man in the mirror with no regrets?
Crazy Back Day with John Meadows and Ms. Fitness Olympia Missy Truscott!
If you are looking for a back workout that will get you that classic V-Taper look you are in luck. Today we are doing a crazy v taper back workout with Ifbb Pro Missy Truscott. Give this back workout a try and let us know how you liked it. Thanks for watching. Make sure you […]
#57 - Jujimufu on Dave Tate's Table Talk
Get the inside scoop on the legendary Jujimufu that you won’t see anywhere else!
#56 - Dave Tate's Table Talk with IFBB Pro Missy Truscott
Get the inside scoop of how Ms. Olympia Missy Truscott preps, trains, eats, lives, and thinks her way to a high-level athletic hybrid.
The Powerbuilder Program is Here
We will beat puniness and weakness once and for all as we combine bodybuilding and powerlifting to form the ULTIMATE unity.
STRENGTH FEED EXCLUSIVE: WATCH: Q&A with elitefts Director of Perfor...
Join us in this Strength Feed Exclusive re-broadcast as Sam Brown takes your questions!
Who Vince Gironda Was and Why You Need to Know
He taught the first Mr. Olympia, Larry Scott; seven-time Mr. Olympia, Arnold Schwarzenegger; three-time Mr. Olympia, Frank Zane; Lou Ferrigno; Rick Wayne; Don Howorth; and Freddy Ortiz. Learn more…
Build Your Bench with this KILLER Workout from IFBB Pro John Meadows
Big triceps = big bench. Here's a BRUTAL workout from John Meadows himself, included as part of "Benchipedia: Dave Tate's Free Bench Manual!" "What if your goals don’t have to deal with strength, but you are just looking to build bigger arms? This does change a few things such as exercise selection, order, volume, and execution […]
Dave Tate on Big Ramy and Size vs. Conditioning in Bodybuilding. Is BIG ...
Dave Tate sits down with Co-Host Sam Brown to discuss takeaways from Mr. Olympia 2020- is size or conditioning more important? Is Big Ramy really THAT big? (Yes, he is.) Is bodybuilding really about competing against YOURSELF?
Exorcising the Demons
After doing contest prep for thousands of clients over the last twenty years (real years, not rounding up ten years like a lot of online prep guys), here are some of the more common demons that competitors face to get insanely shredded.
I Know Shit
What’s common knowledge to me may in fact be new to you…so here you go: Thirty-five training, nutrition, and supplementation gems to reach your physique goals. And oh do these gems glisten.
3 Relationship Red Flags for Bodybuilders
You’ve been taking care of yourself and have gotten into great shape, and have secretly wanted your spouse to do the same, but they have shown no desire forever, until now. Why?
It’s Not Just About Shredded Glutes
Many people end up over-dieted and look horrible due to chasing this shredded glute finish line and STILL don’t end up with the look they desire. As a competitor, it’s all about balance.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #43 with Julia Anto, Yessica Martinez, and Al...
This episode will have a little less testosterone than usual, but don’t let that stop you from listening! Tune in to find out what makes these three women strong(er) than you…
The End of an Era?
Hardly. Those who think the world of weights has a definitive destination are unfortunately on the wrong path.
5 Gifts for the Powerbuilder
With no weight class or aesthetic events to worry about around the holiday season, it’s a perfect opportunity to pack on some extra mass… and to pick up some gifts for your favorite powerbuilder.
How to Set Up a Successful Meet Prep
The harder you work and push yourself in your off-season, the better and more productive your competitive season will be.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — How Steroids Can Damage Long-Term Trai...
Don’t do drugs. Negative side effects and addiction concerns aside, PEDs can really harm athletes’ long-term development and careers. They’re not worth losing the future gains over, we promise.
8-Week Upper Body Powerbuilding Program
Using powerbuilding blocks intermittently can help the weak get stronger and the small get bigger without fully compromising or favoring the other. That’s exactly what this program aims to achieve.
WATCH: John Meadows and The Muscle Doc Train Back and Chest
John Meadows was interested in the things Jordan Shallow discussed in podcasts and IG posts, so he reached out to him with the intention to “steal” some of Jordan’s ideas. Well, that didn’t go as planned. Don’t waste an opportunity to steal this workout from elitefts. Not that it’s stealing; you have our permission.
11 Things You Shouldn’t Do On Stage (Unless You’re Huge)
Don’t do any of these things… unless you can pull them off.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Dan Green on Using Intensity to Build ...
“…I’m using powerlifting lifts in a bodybuilding style…” Dan Green shares the secrets to building muscle as a powerlifter and as a bodybuilder.
5 Reasons Why Your Chest Sucks
I have compiled a list of what I have noticed in the 35 years I have spent in gyms that I feel are the five biggest obstacles to growing a great set of titties. Also, ease up on the bench press.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Key Indicators for a Big Bench
There are so many movements you can do when it comes to strengthening the back for the bench press — so which ones SHOULD you do?