In bodybuilding putting on mass and size is essential to the whole practice. No one who lives this lifestyle eats a ton of protein, watches their macro nutrients and busts their ass in the gym just so they can put up a 200 lb bench.

For some lifters and bodybuilders, putting on size is a fairly simple task.  For the taller lifters out there who possess longer limbs, putting on size is a much more difficult task for a number of reasons. For all the taller lifters out there, here are some tips to keep in mind to make gaining size a simpler task.

Turn your disadvantage into advantage

When it comes to taller lifters, it’s often sited that their biggest disadvantage is the fact that their longer limbs make hauling upwards of 400 lbs for their one rep max a more difficult task. Longer limbs make it harder to do the bigger lifts than it would for a shorter lifter. Why? Because their longer limbs, the bar has a farther distance to travel.  Use your longer limbs as an opportunity to build your strength. By lifting lighter weight and performing more reps rather than just maxing out, you could build bigger, stronger muscles just due to the force, time and space that your limbs must travel.

Embrace the pin press

The pin press can help in a number of ways for the tall lifter. For one, they won’t have to fully bend their elbows when performing the lift which would normally make pushing the bar back up one hell of a task. It also means less stress on your shoulders and elbows.

Ankle Mobility

The squat is the daddy of all lifts, but for a taller lifter, particularly those with longer legs, performing squats will be one hell of a job. Due to the longer limbs, flexibility in this department is paramount if you want to get as low as possible. Calf raises, ankle stretches and step ups will help to give you the flexibility and mobility required to get full extension on your squat.

Front squat over back squat

If you don’t have great ankle mobility and calf flexibility then performing a heavy back squat could mean injury or just improper form. Front squats will promote a straighter posture for taller lifters and help them to activate more muscles in their legs as opposed to just quads.

Do not let your tall physique hinder your strength gains. Your height is just a part of life that you can't control. Your attitude, effort and mindset are just some of the things you can control when your training regardless of height.
