Recovery for the Fat Boys
Recovery for the Fat Boys
Everyone wants to post up the coolest and latest recovery systems, like Salt Floats, Compression Boots, Prowlers, and Sled Drags, but as a big dude (or lady) are you considering walking?
The Intent of Recovery
The Intent of Recovery
Intelligent training does NOT need to be pussyfooting around HARD training. It also doesn’t need to be pushing you to a point where you have to “deserve” a rest day. Attending SWIS 2018 and listening to Dr. John Rusin and Christian Thibedeau, I thought it would be great to revisit this topic.
5 Ways to Improve Training Efficiency
5 Ways to Improve Training Efficiency
Life is chaotic. Instead of missing another training day because you’re too busy, become more efficient. This article is designed to help you to get the most bang for your buck from every training session.
Make Recovery Great Again
Make Recovery Great Again
Your ability to recover is arguably one of the most misunderstood and undervalued aspects of strength and conditioning. As a goal oriented and driven lifter (possibly Type A too), avoid these common pitfalls.
Where Is Your Focus?
Where Is Your Focus?
To get your strongest in the fastest way possible, you need to focus on training as a whole. Every aspect needs attention and focus.
Back to Recovery Basics: Supplementing Your Recovery Plan
Back to Recovery Basics: Supplementing Your Recovery Plan
In order to best manage the time available to devote to recovery, it is essential to devise supplemental recovery methods that best target each athlete’s personal needs.
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
WATCH: Table Talk — Prehabilitation and Rehabilitation Techniques
How you choose to prime your body for a training session is up to you, but not all warm up and recovery methods are equal.

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