2 Hormone Issues That Cause Bloating for Women
2 Hormone Issues That Cause Bloating for Women

Estrogen dominance and hypothyroidism are two common hormone issues we see in our female clients. Let’s mitigate these issues!

Sodium Intake: Why Be So Salty About It?
Sodium Intake: Why Be So Salty About It?

If you are eating a healthy balanced diet and are pretty active, adding some salt to your meals may actually aid you rather than hinder you.

WATCH: Table Talk — The Best Foods for a Squat Bloat
WATCH: Table Talk — The Best Foods for a Squat Bloat

If you’re looking for a serious answer to a question about building a bloat, you’ve come to the right place.

WATCH: Hartman Explains Dairy, Vegetables, and Eggs for Physique Competitors
WATCH: Hartman Explains Dairy, Vegetables, and Eggs for Physique Competi...

These three areas of diet are debated frequently and fervently. Here is an established position and explanation by someone who has experimented with himself and others.

WATCH: Table Talk — Dave Tate's Best Fat Man Story
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave Tate's Best Fat Man Story

I can understand how you can squat, bench, and deadlift as a fatass. The real question is, how do you survive?

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