A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting
A Practical Guide for Implementing Block Periodization for Powerlifting
Block Periodization is not a one-size-fits-all training system. It is not a matter of sets x reps, exact exercises, and personal beliefs.
An Alternative Look at Concentrated Loading in the Sport of Powerlifting
An Alternative Look at Concentrated Loading in the Sport of Powerlifting
This revision and reconsideration of the ‘block’ misnomer helped me better understand concentrated loading and produced a new way to program each lift.
The Art Behind the Strongman Macrocycle
The Art Behind the Strongman Macrocycle
How can you effectively program for a sport with an unimaginable amount of variety? Integrating block periodization with event specific training is one way.
The 2015 Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar
The 2015 Central Virginia Sports Performance Seminar
For this year’s CVASPS we have stepped it up another notch, bringing back many of the favorites from past years, and introducing some new presenters as well.
Programming Predicaments
Programming Predicaments
When designing programs, don’t follow any blind allegiance to a certain template.
Training with Purpose: Programming Thoughts and Considerations for the New Year
Training with Purpose: Programming Thoughts and Considerations for the N...
Naspinski once again visits block periodization and offers tips you can apply to your training in the coming year.
From Dust Mode to Something Like Block Periodization
From Dust Mode to Something Like Block Periodization
This program mash-up got Ryan Williams out of his training rut. What can it do for you?
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 5)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 5)
The final installment of Jeremy Frey’s Block Periodization for Powerlifting presentation.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 3)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 3)
Frey continues his block periodization for powerlifting tutorial.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 2)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 2)
Frey continues his discussion on how to apply block periodization to powerlifting.
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for  Powerlifting (Part 1)
Jeremy Frey on Block Training for Powerlifting (Part 1)
Frey goes into detail on how to apply block periodization to get the most out of your training.
Coach X is Back
Coach X is Back
I feel like the book Where’s Waldo, except this is “Where’s Coach X.”
Applying Block Periodization Principles for Your Own Mental Development
Applying Block Periodization Principles for Your Own Mental Development
I’d like to offer a preliminary note to this article before I begin, expressing my appreciation for the service that EliteFTS provides.
Block Periodization in the Sport of Powerlifting
Block Periodization in the Sport of Powerlifting
This program is based on the concepts outlined in Dr. Vladimir Issurin’s, Block Periodization: A Breakthrough in Sports Training.

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