The Definitive Guide to the Board Press
The Definitive Guide to the Board Press
We are certain this article and embedded videos will not hit every sports and news outlet online, but at least you will LEARN HOW TO F**CKING BOARD PRESS! We have no idea what caused the recent train wreck, but can offer one solution by reposting an article from six years ago.
 It's Not About Luck
It's Not About Luck
What does it take to be the best?
Prove the Impossible
Prove the Impossible
Compilation Video
Q&A with Chad Wesley Smith
Q&A with Chad Wesley Smith
I’m in this to be the best.
The Prowler Flu: There's No Vaccination
The Prowler Flu: There's No Vaccination
It’s amazing, these guys can lift things as heavy as nine of me put together…but they stand no chance against the prowler.
Low-Carb Diet Q&A with Shelby Starnes
Low-Carb Diet Q&A with Shelby Starnes
The very low-carb diet (VLCD) is a synthesis of the best of these approaches, but geared towards the carb-sensitive individual.
Fighting for the UFC Title
Fighting for the UFC Title
Dan Hardy, Joe DeFranco and EFS equipment are featured in action on Spike TV.
Links of Solid Metal Lead to Strength, Speed and Stability
Links of Solid Metal Lead to Strength, Speed and Stability
No, I am not talking about the bling around your neck, what connects your wallet to your jeans, or even the crazy S&M stuff you may secretly be guilty of!
4 Tips for the Aspiring Strength Coach
4 Tips for the Aspiring Strength Coach
Zach Even-Esh and Joe DeFranco didn’t become strength coaches overnight, they had to start somewhere.
 On the Prowl to Figure it Out
On the Prowl to Figure it Out
When you mention to someone that you’re interested in doing a show, the whole world wants to help and give you advice.
 Celebrate 2010 with Champagne and Man Ranch
Celebrate 2010 with Champagne and Man Ranch
In the mean time, have a taste of Man Ranch…umm…I mean of my Top 5 favorite Wendler Visions.
EliteFTS Spotlight: Brian Carroll
EliteFTS Spotlight: Brian Carroll
Brian Carroll is the newest addition to Team EliteFTS. He is now both a sponsored athlete and member of the Q&A staff.

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