Skip’s Take on the Mr. Olympia
Skip’s Take on the Mr. Olympia
I am QUALIFIED to give an opinion. Why? I workout.
The Freak Show Exodus
The Freak Show Exodus
You will have your supporters and your naysayers as with everything in this world, but I am in complete support of this shift in the paradigm. Why?
The Repercussions of Poor Training Habits
The Repercussions of Poor Training Habits
Two smart tips that support why you're V-taper may look more like a U-taper.
Sandbag Arsenal
Sandbag Arsenal
One of the biggest problems that we face in training today’s athletes is that they’re out of shape! Whether professional or amateur, many of these athletes come to their teams severely unconditioned. With physical education programs being cut from school curriculums and child obesity rising every year, we need to take a long hard look at the values that physical
Benefits of a Strength and Conditioning Program
Benefits of a Strength and Conditioning Program
If you’re reading this, you probably have a good understanding of why strength and conditioning is important. However, I’d like to reach the coaches, athletic directors, and lazy athletes who will never reach their potential because of a lack of education.

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