How I Dropped 17 Pounds Over 9 Days and Gained It Back in 12 Hours
How I Dropped 17 Pounds Over 9 Days and Gained It Back in 12 Hours
I don’t recommend this big of a cut for anyone. It is detrimental to many bodily processes and overall health. To be clear, this is not a how-to guide; it is a documentation of my process.
My 12-Week Diet in Preparation for 2016 USS Strongman Nationals
My 12-Week Diet in Preparation for 2016 USS Strongman Nationals
Mike Mastell has helped me with my nutrition which varies by training days, off days, and event days. Here’s a detailed breakdown.
You Are What You Eat — Facts of the Food Industry
You Are What You Eat — Facts of the Food Industry
What you consume on a daily basis not only affects your training but also directly controls your quality of life. Are you sure you know what you’re eating?
What You Don't Know About Ghrelin
What You Don't Know About Ghrelin
Understanding ghrelin is important for staying lean.

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