Can We Stop Blaming Every Gut Issue on Gluten?
Gluten-free this, gluten-free that. Do you really need to be gluten-free, or are there other gut issues at play? Maybe ditching gluten isn’t your best bet.
Sparky's Nutritional Guide for Peak Powerlifting Performance and Gu...
Think of grease as your stomach’s protective shield. It’s like when your hands get dry and start cracking…
3 (Surprising) Reasons You Aren't Getting Stronger
These are things that I didn’t appreciate enough when I was in my 20s but have risen to the top of my priority list in recent years.
The Gateway to Optimal Health
Here’s a hint: It’s a three-letter word that begins with the letter g.
Bacteria That Makes You Stronger
I think we can all agree that inflammations and diseases impact your muscle development and that you can use your body’s resources in a better way when you’re healthy.
The Role of the Gut in Athletic Performance
Not sure about you, but I don’t need my joints aching, or fatigue setting in when I’m trying to set some new PRs. Not to mention, roughly 70% of your immune system is in your gut…
Do You Have the Guts to be a Successful Powerlifter?
All the success in your lifting that stems from work you put in at the gym can be compromised, often significantly, by your failures outside of the gym.
Are Artificial Sweeteners Actually Affecting Gut Health?
Are artificial sweeteners actually hurting your gut health? Are they hurting your diet and training?