Social Media Eliminates the Small Pond
Social Media Eliminates the Small Pond
I love the Internet. I really do. But at the same time, I can tell you that I absolutely miss those days where I was able to feel like a big fish in a small pond before the Internet came about. It’s a paradox for us as we’re all small fish in a very big pond.
RIP Roger, the Kangaroo with a Bodybuilder Bod
RIP Roger, the Kangaroo with a Bodybuilder Bod
Roger was an Adonis among red kangaroos. He'll be missed for his metal bucket-crushing arms. Maybe his personality.
All Movement Begins in the Brain
All Movement Begins in the Brain
No matter the athlete, the ability to move is the most important function to build. Sometimes, it’s best to slow things down.
5 Steps to Becoming A Credible Expert Overnight
5 Steps to Becoming A Credible Expert Overnight
No experience? No credentials? No problem.
Competence is Confidence
Competence is Confidence
Belief in yourself is only useful if you take the time to build your abilities. Here’s the formula to turn bravado into skilled-mastery.
Mistakes 101: Too Much Surfing, Not Enough Lifting
Mistakes 101: Too Much Surfing, Not Enough Lifting
Do not oversaturate your mind with the knowledge of the internet and forget to do what really counts.
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Then along comes the Internet. Access to bodybuilding drugs goes sky high. Click of a button and people are ordering up.
Can You Handle The Couth?
Can You Handle The Couth?
You’re welcome to your opinion about any man — living or dead. But sometimes you should just keep that opinion to yourself.
WATCH: Pulcinella's Advice for Teen Lifters
WATCH: Pulcinella's Advice for Teen Lifters
You're still growing hair in funny places, so you don’' know any better. Listen up.
Has the Expert Earned Your Trust?
Has the Expert Earned Your Trust?
In a world of duplicitous grifters and unscrupulousness marketers, what qualities serve as a beacon of truth?
Don't Just Trust Me
Don't Just Trust Me
How to skeptically analyze marketing bullshit.

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