A Mountain Dog Chest Training Session
A Mountain Dog Chest Training Session
Looking to build pro level pecs? Mark Dugdale shares a workout designed by coach and elitefts™ advisor John Meadows.
How I Control Training Volume on the Mountain Dog Program
How I Control Training Volume on the Mountain Dog Program
My goal in training is simply to be able to train my ass off for as long as I can.
An Average Saturday....Part 2
An Average Saturday....Part 2
Another Day in the Gym…Weekender Style
A Weekend at elitefts™
A Weekend at elitefts™
Weekenders get along with Mountain Dogs
Mountain Dog Leg Day
Mountain Dog Leg Day
90 minutes from another leg day training hell.
Bent Over Row w/ Cambered Bar
Bent Over Row w/ Cambered Bar
Give yourself a few more inches

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