Your “Other T” Levels
Testosterone isn’t the only “T” that’s driving internal health and performance. Meet the thyroid, the main metabolism gland in your body. It’s in charge of influencing food consumption and the amount of energy strength sports athletes have to hit new PRs and doing daily tasks.
Are You a Prius or a Ferrari?
In terms of fat loss, we have to take into consideration the efficiency and inefficiency of how our systems work. It may seem odd, but looking at how these cars operate, and why, will help us to understand how our bodies can maximize their fat loss potential.
Energy Budget: Why You Can’t Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss
Your friend who runs seven miles a day is likely not burning any more energy than you are doing chores around the house. How the hell is this possible?
The Fallacy of the Fat Burning Zone
To better understand how exercise intensity dictates fuel use, and what this means in respect to the fat burning zone, we need to review the energy systems your body can rely on during exercise.
Morning Metabolism and Circadian Rhythms
If Diet-Induced Thermogenisis is in fact a variable we can control through a choice on whether/how to distribute our calories across the day, it could be the example of magic metabolism claimed in so many fitness tip listicles.
Unraveling Insulin Resistance
IR sufferers need to replace their carb intake with proteins and fats…or do they?
Nutrient Timing vs Content: Mitochondrial Circadian Rhythm
Have we possibly discovered a potential biochemical basis for nutrient timing? Circadian Rhythm may dictate the optimal time in the day for sugar or fat utilization.
New Findings Concerning Soy Protein, Fertility and Your Endocrine System
While I am not going to be replacing my post workout steak with soy anytime soon...
The Thyroid — Regulator of Your Metabolic Fate
It may be small, but this endocrine organ controls whether you can eat ice cream and be lean or eat a salad and be overweight. How can you know if yours is operating properly?
Shelby Starnes Q&A: Fat Burners, Pre-Diet Fat Gain, and Cheat Meals
It’s not always about who can diet the hardest; it’s about who can diet the smartest.
Fat Loss Sabotage: Are You Hindering Your Fat Loss?
If you blindly follow and/or abuse any of these four dieting rules, you may be derailing your progress without knowing it.
Do You Need to Rethink Your Bulk?
According to new research, the fatter you get, the harder it will be for your body to burn fat later.
Should Humans Be Snacking?
This is an interesting look breaking down and questioning some of the evidence used for snacking? It is widely recommended and has potential to impact our metabolism and hormones.
4 Reasons to Reconsider Eating Vegetables
I despise vegetables, and I am trying to reconsider including them into my life. Here are some reasons you should, too.
Dangers of Intermittent Fasting for Women
Have you considered its impact on the female reproductive system?
Cheat Meals, Refeeds, and Triple-X Eating
Could abandoning your diet be the secret to a leaner physique?
Does Eating More Frequently Boost My Metabolism?
Reanalyze these four components of food metabolism to customize your food intake.
Misconceptions About Lactic Acid
Three more reps…yeah, three more. That’s it! Feel the burn. FEEL THAT BURN!
Shelby Starnes: Video Inquisition (Part 3)
Screech, from Saved By the Bell, is a prime example of someone who has a crazy, fast metabolism.
So You Think You Can Be in Bikini Shape Year-Round?
Are you ready to find out if you can stay in bikini shape year-round and still make progress on your body?
Why Cardio Alone Doesn't Cut Fat
I wrote this article in order to educate women and some men who believe that doing cardio and abs will help them shed pounds on their midsection.
Your Metabolism is the Key!
To understand the metabolism, think of your body like a furnace. Your metabolism controls the temperature in your body as well as your metabolic rate.