Building the Yoke
A big yoke equals instant respect. No one wants to screw with a guy that has a big neck and a thick yoke.
Strength Development for the Casual Male Lifter
For our readers not looking to the take platform or the stage, this program delivers only what you need to become a stronger, leaner version of yourself.
Stanford's Ryan Cidzik Comprises the Ultimate Guide for Neck Testin...
There is so much information on how horrible concussions are for you. Now, thanks to Ryan Cidzik, there is information of how to prevent concussions. These training DVD's will assure your athletes that they are much safer to play the game and will have confidence doing so.
Increase Your Neck Size
Please visit my training log or submit comments via the Q&A if you have any questions or need some guidance.
Front Neck Support on Stability Ball
This exercise can be done for anyone that needs extra neck strength, like wrestlers, football players and MMA fighters. All you need is a stability ball.
Rear Neck Work w/ Cable
Remember when you found out there was no Santa Claus and how disappointed you were?