Enjoy BBQ Season Without Wrecking Your Diet
Enjoy BBQ Season Without Wrecking Your Diet
You don’t have to turn BYOB into BYOF (bring your own food, often in a cooler).
Popular Diet Pitfalls
Popular Diet Pitfalls
Whether you’re following a more flexible diet approach, carb backloading, or even taking a short run at low carb, keep in mind that these programs are valuable if not abused.
Paleo Pros, Cons, and Evolutionary Validity
Paleo Pros, Cons, and Evolutionary Validity
Find out the pros and the cons of paleo dieting. Does evolutionary evidence really support paleo? Is it still a good diet?
Nutrition Thoughts on Carb Intake
Nutrition Thoughts on Carb Intake
An interesting analysis of research on the effects of different glycemic index and glycemic load protocols.
The Real Paleo Diet
The Real Paleo Diet
You're just as close to the diet of a Paleolithic man when you go through a drive through as you are when you eat only meat, nuts, and berries.
Three F Words Everyone Should Use During the Holidays
Three F Words Everyone Should Use During the Holidays
The holidays aren't meant to be a time for calorie-counting.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: The Last Diet
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: The Last Diet
I developed three wardrobes: medium, large, and too damn big.
Banned Fitness Phrases for 2013
Banned Fitness Phrases for 2013
Okay, so maybe they’re not banned… but they, like, totally should be. You know, brah?
Paleo Rehab
Paleo Rehab
So stay tuned my little Pulcimaniacs and see if Uncle Steve can bull his way through his own rehab with total disregard of the advice of doctors, friends and family without ending up with a permanent pimp walk.

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