Stop Neglecting Your Posterior Chain
Stop Neglecting Your Posterior Chain
It’s interesting seeing a quad-dominant athlete squat 400 pounds but struggle to squat off a box with 135.
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
The Back-Friendly Approach to Leg Training
How can we create the damage and nastiness required for a productive leg workout while sparing our backs?
Revisiting Tonic and Phasic Muscles for Increased Performance and Position
Revisiting Tonic and Phasic Muscles for Increased Performance and Position
There may be a strength discrepancy between your anterior and posterior chain, but are you sure this isn’t because some muscles are stuck doing a job they weren’t originally intended to do, in a position that isn’t optimal?
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters  — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
Hip Squatters vs Back Squatters — What is the Proper Way to Squat?
There are two types of squatters: hip squatters and back squatters. The proper way to execute the lift depends on which technique is best for you.
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
Don’t let a substandard equipment setup ruin your best asset for posterior chain strength.
elitefts™ Glute-ham Raise Ladders
elitefts™ Glute-ham Raise Ladders
Try this glute-ham raise variation to strengthen your entire posterior chain and provide injury prevention for your ACL.
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
WATCH: How To Do A Real Glute Ham Raise
If your glute ham raises aren’t increasing your squat or deadlift, chances are you’re cheating. Clint gives you a few variations to try,
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
WATCH: Single Leg RDL/ Good Morning Progression
Unilateral posterior chain movements can be extremely beneficial to athletes from a performance and injury reduction standpoint
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
So You Think You Can Deadlift? (Part 2)
Matt Wenning has Ryan perform sumo deadlifts to correct conventional pull weaknesses.
Questioning Training Methodologies
Questioning Training Methodologies
It is imperative that we don’t become narrow-minded and biased when choosing how we train our athletes.
Four Reasons Why Barbell Rows Will Improve Your Deadlift
Four Reasons Why Barbell Rows Will Improve Your Deadlift
Do them properly and watch your deadlift numbers start to creep up!
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated, Part 2
A Lion in Iron: It's Not That Complicated, Part 2
Six more training insights to make you better and strong(er).
Using Powerlifting to Heal
Using Powerlifting to Heal
Proper lifting technique is not only important in the gym, but it should also be applied to everyday life.
Good Mornings: Understanding a Great Exercise
Good Mornings: Understanding a Great Exercise
As one of the most effective lifts you can do for total muscular development, it is important to know how to do it right.
A Case for Wide Squats
A Case for Wide Squats
Squats should be looked at as more of a movement, not simply a specific muscle developer, and the entire body should be involved in the lift.
Injury Prevention Series: IT Band Syndrome
Injury Prevention Series: IT Band Syndrome
Few sayings are more sagacious than the adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

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