6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
6 Exercises to Improve Posture (and Recovery)
Do you sit a lot? How about those shoulders? Are they rounded forward? Even if you don’t sit all day, many of the exercises you’re doing in the gym place you in extension.
How to Screw Up Your Posture with the Leg Press
How to Screw Up Your Posture with the Leg Press
Sure, you can build bigger quads in the leg press, but that is the only benefit I can see of doing it. The cons outweigh the pros when it comes to this machine.
The Mind-Body Link: Posture Yourself Into a Winning Position
The Mind-Body Link: Posture Yourself Into a Winning Position
Posture makes a huge difference in every aspect of your life. It can be one of the reasons you were (or weren’t) mugged. It also can turn the tide mid-game from a loss to a victory. Try practicing your posture and see the difference for yourself.
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Setup How-To
WATCH: SS Yoke Bar Setup How-To
If you have the elitefts SS Yoke Bar, stop what you are doing right this instant. Why? Because you’re setting it up all wrong! Watch and learn to see how it’s REALLY done…
6-Step Method to Develop Pure Strength
6-Step Method to Develop Pure Strength
Before you enter pure strength development, there are a few steps that must be considered. And I know this may sound like rocket science for some, but it doesn’t have to be that complicated. I’ve used this method to develop three world champions in powerlifting in only 18 months.
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
Stay Focused and Watch Your Back
If you think you’re getting a solid upper back that’ll improve your bench press, deadlifts, and squats by using hard, forceful rowing exercises and lat pulldowns, think again. When you realize that, you’ve figured out that you need to change the way you train. Not sure what you should do? Let me explain.
How to Program Your Back Training at The U
How to Program Your Back Training at The U
Over the past few months, some things in my back training have made a big difference — variations coaches often overlook. Considering paused reps at the chest/stomach, slow eccentrics, scap movements with a rowing motion, and handle/grip variations, back training is limitless.
A Basic Lifting Skill Review: Grip Strength
A Basic Lifting Skill Review: Grip Strength
Every seasoned lifter appreciates how easy it is to lose simple habits in pursuit of getting stronger. One such habit: Getting a good grip.
It's Time to Recover
It's Time to Recover
Time is the multiplier that turns a tiny crack on a newly paved road into a pothole or a single tree into a forest. Here are a few tips to reduce stress on the body and to better prepare yourself to have more in the tank for your training.
Tissue Load vs. Tissue Capacity: A Key to Injury Recovery and Prevention
Tissue Load vs. Tissue Capacity: A Key to Injury Recovery and Prevention
One of the most common causes of injury is accumulation of load on a tissue, tendon, or ligament that exceeds that tissue, tendon, or ligament’s capacity. For optimal rehabilitation and recovery, you need to understand and manage this relationship.
Revisiting Tonic and Phasic Muscles for Increased Performance and Position
Revisiting Tonic and Phasic Muscles for Increased Performance and Position
There may be a strength discrepancy between your anterior and posterior chain, but are you sure this isn’t because some muscles are stuck doing a job they weren’t originally intended to do, in a position that isn’t optimal?
Loaded Carries for Improved Body Position and Health
Loaded Carries for Improved Body Position and Health
The farmer’s walk is the single best exercise you’re not doing for shoulder performance, posture, and health.
How Can I Get Stronger?
How Can I Get Stronger?
Whether you’re healthy or coming back from injury, try incorporating these things to increase force production and longevity.
WATCH: Investigating 'The Reset System'
WATCH: Investigating 'The Reset System'
Talking with founders Shawn Sherman and Jonathan Loos, I learned of the benefits and limitations of this restorative system that aims at pinpointing and eliminating joint dysfunctions.
The Power Triangle
The Power Triangle
Proper posture and alignment in these three areas of your body will not only reduce pain and keep you healthy, but will also eliminate the energy leaks that are holding you back from maximal strength.
Your Lats' Responsibilities During Deadlifts
Your Lats' Responsibilities During Deadlifts
It is imperative to keep your lats tight while deadlifting; Joe Schillero shares 3 coaching cues that help keep him in an ideal postural position.
Exercise the Lats in the Sagittal Plane
Exercise the Lats in the Sagittal Plane
You must be tired of training your lats with just two exercises and in one plane of motion (frontal). Add dumbbell pullovers to your back routine and isolate your lats in the sagittal plane.
The Art of Balance
The Art of Balance
The science of RSS is based upon the principle that to stand upright, your body is playing an ever constant balance game with itself.
Postural Analysis and Program Design
Postural Analysis and Program Design
Within the world of performance training and strength and conditioning, there are several evaluation methods used to determine body function and positioning.
(Don’t) Assume the Athletic Position
(Don’t) Assume the Athletic Position
In all sports, the rudimentary beginnings of movement starts with a specific stance or posture.
Static Postural Assessments
Static Postural Assessments
After college, I strength trained at a chiropractic rehabilitation facility for a few years. While there, I picked up a few helpful tips that I still use today when initiating static postural assessments for my athletes.

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