LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #16 with Dave Tate
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #16 with Dave Tate
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate talks about his childhood, attempting meditation after the episode with JM Blakley, Q&A videos in the elitefts archives, and of course, he answers as many questions as time allows.
An Epic Q&A with Dr. John Rusin and Dave Tate
An Epic Q&A with Dr. John Rusin and Dave Tate
Is Dave still following Dr. Rusin’s protocol? What are Dr. Rusin’s top-two training takeaways working with Dave? In this Q&A, Dave Tate and Dr. John Rusin share their overall experiences from video series “Fixing Dave Tate” and “Breaking John Rusin,” and more.
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much Is elitefts Worth?
WATCH: Table Talk — How Much Is elitefts Worth?
This company has never existed to compete with Company A, B, or C. If you own your own business, you need to understand your culture and evaluate how that translates to a dollar value.
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After An Injury
WATCH: Table Talk — Bodily Stress and Increasing Range of Motion After A...
Coming off a debilitating injury, respect your body’s range of motion and only push the limits when the time is right. You’re on your way back, don’t blow it now.

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