Foam Training Alternatives for Bench Pressing
Foam Training Alternatives for Bench Pressing
If you’re looking for alternative ways to keep pressing for extra recovery or to safeguard wear and tear in elbows and shoulders, it’s here.
Fat Gripz—A Specialty Bar in a Gym Bag
Fat Gripz—A Specialty Bar in a Gym Bag
Fat Gripz is a small and versatile tool that’ll transform the grip thickness of barbells, dumbbells, and more. What other specialty bar has these superpowers?
Got Shoulder Pain?
Got Shoulder Pain?
The shoulder is a complex joint but keeping it healthy can be simple. Many issues can be fixed or greatly improved with certain exercises and stretching.
WATCH: Dr. Ken Kinakin SPS Presentation — Pain when Overhead Pressing
WATCH: Dr. Ken Kinakin SPS Presentation — Pain when Overhead Pressing
If shoulder pain is holding you back when pressing overhead, the infraspinatus and AC joint are two likely culprits you should examine.
Combatting Shoulder and Elbow Pain from Low Bar Squatting
Combatting Shoulder and Elbow Pain from Low Bar Squatting
Where you lack motion or motor control, your body will pass down the chain to the next moving part that can buy you an extra bit to help you get into position. This is dysfunction.
5 Must-Have Items for Lifters Who Have Had Multiple Shoulder Surgeries
5 Must-Have Items for Lifters Who Have Had Multiple Shoulder Surgeries
While my back and hips are holding up just fine, my shoulders, well, that’s another story.
Ten Time-Proven, Big-Three Technique Tweaks for Happy Joints
Ten Time-Proven, Big-Three Technique Tweaks for Happy Joints
Are you getting beat up from squatting, benching, and deadlifting? Here’s a handful of tips to help cure what ails you.
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Building the Biggest Hood in the Hood — Unchained Chest Mass
Chains change the game — and not just for powerlifters. I’m going to show you an unconventional fly that is fit for the bro to the top pro.
Optimize Biomechanics for a Bigger Bench
Optimize Biomechanics for a Bigger Bench
Deep ache in the shoulder? Pain concentrated in the mid delt?
Mobile Shoulders Push Big Benches
Mobile Shoulders Push Big Benches
If you’re reading this, you probably bench press.

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