Don't Touch the Bar
Don't Touch the Bar
The art of bro lifting has infiltrated the ranks of strength coaching like never before. What in the world are we teaching these kids?
When Honesty is the Only Policy
When Honesty is the Only Policy
Not unlike with your spouse or significant other, the relationship between training partners depends on many things, but at the central core to this relationship is the quality of one’s honesty with their training partner.
WATCH: Table Talk — Training Alone
WATCH: Table Talk — Training Alone
Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the super-heavy lifts that cause most of the problems when training alone.
WATCH: Spotting 101 — The Squat
WATCH: Spotting 101 — The Squat
Knowing how to properly spot is not only important for the safety of the lifter but also for your own.

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