Have Enough Competitors Died Yet?
Have Enough Competitors Died Yet?
You might not be there yet, but as more people die you will feel the impact. Hopefully, you’ll question what you are doing.
The Freak Show Exodus
The Freak Show Exodus
You will have your supporters and your naysayers as with everything in this world, but I am in complete support of this shift in the paradigm. Why?
WATCH: The Female Athlete and Exogenous Substances — On Drugs Too Soon?
WATCH: The Female Athlete and Exogenous Substances — On Drugs Too Soon?
The neuroendocrine system is incredibly complex and will not always respond in only the ways that you want it to.
WATCH: Table Talk — Natural Potential and the Genetic Ceiling
WATCH: Table Talk — Natural Potential and the Genetic Ceiling
The potential for what a lifter can accomplish without using performance enhancing substances is far greater than most people assume.
Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
Doctors and strength athletes frequently argue over the effects (good and bad) of performance-enhancing drugs, but some facts aren’t debatable.
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Health and Longevity: The Reality of Steroid Use and Abuse
Then along comes the Internet. Access to bodybuilding drugs goes sky high. Click of a button and people are ordering up.
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 5)
Science of Lifting: Quick Thoughts (Part 5)
In this QT, we will look at the latest research on heavy lifting and heart health.
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on American Society
Introduction: The Effect of Performance Enhancing Drug Use in Sports on ...
Whether it be for moral reasons or their dangerous side effects, the use of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) in sports is considered by many to be a problem.

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