Competition Report: Brute Strength Gym’s Spartacus Strongman
Competition Report: Brute Strength Gym’s Spartacus Strongman
This competition was preceded by my dad’s unexpected death, a delay in his death certificate, and burying him the Monday before my wedding. It’s been a tough year, and my training and diet reflected that. Still, I did pretty well all things considered.
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
Don't Peak Too Soon: Strongman Training 2 Weeks Out
You have to learn that 2 weeks before the competition, you aren’t going to get stronger. All you can really do is screw things up. Don’t lift 1RMs; instead, deload or train with lighter weights. You want to peak at the competition, not in training.
Takeaways From My First Strongman Competition
Takeaways From My First Strongman Competition
Powerlifting gave me a great foundation for strongman, but I still had to do a lot of training for it. Even though I technically qualified for USS Nationals, I want to make sure I can handle heavier events before I even think about competing.
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
It's Meet Day — Do You Shine or Crumble?
Why do so many people do so well in training but nosedive when it’s time to compete? Two words: Anxiety and self-doubt.
Strongman Gear 101: Everything You Need for Your Strongman Competition
Strongman Gear 101: Everything You Need for Your Strongman Competition
Unless you want to let another competitor have an advantage over you, you need to have the best gear for every event. Here are the must-haves and my favorite versions of each item.
Tacky and Tactics: 10 Tips to Win Your Strongman/Strongwoman Pro Card
Tacky and Tactics: 10 Tips to Win Your Strongman/Strongwoman Pro Card
This article provides a list of some of the various and sundry factors that help contribute to winning a strongman or strongwoman pro card.
Finding Strength: Primal Strength
Finding Strength: Primal Strength
In Charlottesville, Virginia, behind two garage doors, is a down and dirty, no-bullshit training facility, and a group of athletes ready to come in and do work.
2016 United States Strongman Nationals — 3rd Place Finish
2016 United States Strongman Nationals — 3rd Place Finish
Two months ago I made the decision to compete at United States Strongman Nationals with the only goal of qualifying for Pro Women’s World’s in October.
How to Run A Great Strongman Contest
How to Run A Great Strongman Contest
These eight rules of contest promotion are vital to your event’s success and your athletes’ satisfaction. Do it right and they’ll be back next time.
WATCH: The One-Motion Log Pressing Technique — Why and When to Use It
WATCH: The One-Motion Log Pressing Technique — Why and When to Use It
This step-by-step guide (with video) demonstrates how a strongman competitor can use this unique technique to increase efficiency and performance in the log clean and press.
Cutting Weight for Strongman: Is It Helping or Hurting You?
Cutting Weight for Strongman: Is It Helping or Hurting You?
Unlike other strength sports, your weight class dictates the implements you’ll use to compete in Strongman. Here’s how to know if and when to cut weight.
MC Rehab Strongman 2012
MC Rehab Strongman 2012
Big “D” took the win with a record shattering 1200-lb Prowler® push!

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