Leading Through a Crisis
Leading Through a Crisis
At Varsity House Gym, there have been three major contributing factors in continuing to stay above water and keep our team engaged in daily progress.
Common Strength Pitfalls to Avoid
Common Strength Pitfalls to Avoid
Here’s an idea: If your team is losing a game, how about instead of celebrating one good play, try focusing on how you and your team can muster a win.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountability, and Inattention to Results
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Lack of Commitment, Avoidance of Accountab...
In my last article, I went over 2 of the 5 dysfunctions of a team. Here, I’ll cover the remaining 3 and how to bring the team closer together.
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Absence of Trust and Fear of Conflict
The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Absence of Trust and Fear of Conflict
I used the book The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team to help bring my athletes closer together, especially when there was a major shift in the team. These exercises helped bring us closer together and improved performance and morale.
At War with the ME Culture
At War with the ME Culture
Social media is toxic when it comes down to good teamwork. There’s no “I” in team, and there’s no “me” in team, either. So let’s try to figure out how to flip the “M” in me upside-down and change that Me to a We.
Setting New Standards for Freshman Summer Training
Setting New Standards for Freshman Summer Training
Interest was peaking and you know what happened?
You vs We — What Kind of Coach Are You?
You vs We — What Kind of Coach Are You?
Your success as a coach may depend on which group you belong to.
Surround Yourself with Amazing People
Surround Yourself with Amazing People
The experience of sharing success with like-minded individuals will motivate you to wake up everyday and make the most of the time you’re given.
Coach G: Which Way Are You Pulling?
Coach G: Which Way Are You Pulling?
If we keep pulling in opposite directions, we’ll never get anywhere.

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