Meet Report: New Challenges and New Lifters — USAPL Spring Meet at CBUS Lifting Co
Meet Report: New Challenges and New Lifters — USAPL Spring Meet at CBUS ...
With this meet, I wanted to prove to myself that I could go from competing equipped to qualifying for USAPL Raw Nationals.
WATCH: Mickey Belaineh — Harvard Law Graduate and IPF Junior World Champion
WATCH: Mickey Belaineh — Harvard Law Graduate and IPF Junior World Champion
With bar exams complete and results pending, Mickey’s focus on powerlifting continues to evolve.
USAPL Raw Nationals: 1100+ Lifters, Jesse Norris, and Team elitefts
USAPL Raw Nationals: 1100+ Lifters, Jesse Norris, and Team elitefts
With such a mind-boggling number of lifters on the roster, spotters, loaders, and judges kept things running smoothly for an impressive weekend in Scranton, PA.
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Scott Yard: USAPL Raw Nationals
Squatting 750s, benching high 400s and pulling over 800 every meet as a drug-free 264.6-pound man is unbeatable on American soil.

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