After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now taking some time to focus on competing in bodybuilding over the spring of 2017. My nutrition coaching is through Cliff Wilson, and I have not yet determined the shows I'm competing in at this time.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

Well with the way my back was feeling after the Wednesday issues, and Thursday only doing some rehab based movement, I opted to just skip any kind of training at all for Friday, and move my dynamic effort day to Saturday (since it looked like I wouldn't be doing anything lower body based that day anyways).

It ended up being a solo training session, and pretty quick. Even though my back didn't feel too hot, I was able to train essentially pain free here. I was able to get up and off the bench fine, and I just picked good upper body back based movements that I knew wouldn't cause any more lower back straining. So given my circumstances, I was pretty happy with what I was able to get done.

Items Used in this Training Session
Sabertooth Bar
EZ Loaders
Blast Straps
Micro Band

Warm Up
Cats & Camels - 10
Quadraped T-Spine Ext - 10 each
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 each
Band Pressdowns - 15
Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15
Band Face Pulls - 15
Single Arm Band Fly - 15 each
Band Rows - 15
Band Curls - 15

A1) Speed Bench Press vs 2 Chains Per Side
55x5 - add chains

B1) Close Grip Bench Press vs 2 Chains Per Side
235x6 - Tie PR

C1) Bench Press vs 2 Chains Per Side

D1) Neutal Grip Pull Ups (Close)
3 sets, max reps

E1) DB Chest Supported Rows

F1) Lat Pulldowns

G1) Blast Strap Inverted Rows
3 sets, max reps
G2) Band Pull Aparts
3 sets, max reps

H1) Fallouts