I am thrilled to be back to training strongman and finding my passion to train once again. My return to strongman isn't just about getting back into event training. It's also my return to dropping weight, becoming athletic once again, maintaining solid nutrition AND figuring out how to incorporate and maintain grip training in the mix. In the past that has not been possible and I generally go out in a big ball of flames. This time I'm optimistic.

A perfect storm is brewing and many different components of who I am as an athlete are changing and improving. Part of this process is reflecting on where I have been in order to catch you all up while continuing the inner strength to rebuild and compete at my best.

You can catch up on the three installments of how I got to where I am

Rebuilding: The Fat Doctor & Inevitable Decline

Rebuilding: The Fall Out

Rebuilding: Path To Success

From 4/29

After the week's previous event training and hauling big equipment alone, I had enough. It was time to get training partners again, and boy did I ever. There are four of us ladies training together and it's been great to have others to push me and work hard. Super excited about this. Let me tell you, I could not imagine a more impressive group to have as training partners. Friday night is Ladies Night and there is much more to come from our adventures.

I also got a brand new present...a FINGAL FINGER! How awesome is that? She's beautiful and I love learning a new event. The goal for this event training day was to just test it out and get a feel for it. Well, that was SUPPOSED to be the plan until four strong ladies get together and the momentum kicks in.

Fingal Finger

I spent some time figuring out the pick on it and finding the most efficient way to flip it. I wanted to see how my shoulders would feel so I decided to do the pick off boxes and see how a set of five would feel. Let me tell you, they felt amazing. I really love this event but definitely have to refine a whole lot of technique.

The best part is each of the four of us ladies (all very accomplished strongwomen) span different weight classes and each of us approached the new implement as a challenge with different goals. It was cool to witness each of us sizing up the implement and going after our goals.

Let's just say simply sizing up the implement and getting a feel for it turned into one set of five and then, yes! Another set of five. Ooohhh I love this event!

amy finger

Conan's Wheel

This was laid out very clearly in my program but the group mentality took over and this plan was changed as well.

Empty - 2x2 revolutions

Empty + 90 - 2x2 revolutions

Empty + 180 - fought to get one revolution. It took a few tries but this will all come back to me quickly.

Empty +90 - 2x2

Empty - 2x2

At this point every part of me was shot, it was late and everyone was ready to go home so I cut it there. Saturday was an excellent reminder that sticking with the original plan is usually the best plan. Ooohhh....I love hurting after event days!