After coming off my best meet performance of my career, I am now taking some time to focus on competing in bodybuilding over the spring of 2017. My nutrition coaching is through Cliff Wilson, and I have not yet determined the shows I'm competing in at this time.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email or visit

Sunday's bench press training was a really good session. I went to church in the morning with Adrian, and then came back to smash some weights in the afternoon with the guys, and everyone was hitting PR's. This is one of my favorite movements for benching, and I feel as if I get some pretty solid carryover from it, while keeping my wrists and elbows happy. I followed things up with a tricep onslaught and some fun, and I was out. Still running with some good energy despite the minor nutritional changes. I'm not training on about 270 grams of carbs, so nearly 100 less than where I started. So some minor changes are occurring. For my next check in that requires pictures for the coach, I'll get some up here in my log as well.

Items Used in this Training Session
El Gordo Fat Bar
EZ Loaders
Mini Band

Warm Up
Cats & Camels - 10
Quadraped T-Spine Ext - 10 each
Band Dislocations - 10
Alternating Band Dislocations - 10 each
Band Pressdowns - 15
Band Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns - 15
Band Face Pulls - 15
Single Arm Band Fly - 15 each
Band Rows - 15
Band Curls - 15

A1) Fat Bar Bench Press vs 2 Chains Per Side
75x5 - add chains
260x5 - PR
235x9 - PR

B1) Close Grip Fat Bar Bench Press
*Things were feeling good so I opted to go for a PR on the close grip work as well, fell just a rep short on the last one*

C1) Close Grip Fat Bar 2 Board Bench Press
255x3x8; then two drop sets on the last set
*Since I missed the last rep on the close grip work, I went with the boards to attack that an also get some different tricep work in. The drop set was killer!*

D1) Rolling Tricep Extensions

E1) Cabel Pressdowns
100 total reps
E2) Band Y Raises
100 total reps

F1) Wtd Side Plank
3x30 sec per side