I’m currently in meet prep for the 2016 APF Equipped Nationals, in Orlando, Florida on May 28th, 2016. I will be competing at 132 pounds, raw with knee wraps. The big picture is to prep for this meet, and obtain a top three placing to qualify for WPC Worlds in November.

For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com or visit brandonsmitley.com

Saturday was my first day back in the knee wraps since XPC's. This was a bit of a testing session to see how I would feel using the wraps while being in flat soled shoes. I thought things felt pretty natural, but it certainly felt a bit different on the unracks. It's something that I've got time to keep working on, but I thought that I moved the weights rather well. I really need to work on continuing to descend quicker. This has always been an issue with me once weights get heavier, and I wish I could break that habit. I do, however, feel much more comfortable in the hole, so that's a huge plus. I'm probably going to set my opener somewhere between 480 and 500, and I'll make that final decision in about two weeks. Right now, it's looking like 485 will be the ticket, but only time will tell.

My buffalo bar squatting was a PR, but I definitely need to work on continuing to drive my head back into the bar, and keeping my upper back tight. Looking back at the video, I need to get (and keep) my elbows under the bar better. Unfortunately I don't really have the time to devote to fixing this, but I'm going to do the best I can while in prep. But I know this is certainly going to be a big thing I focus on in the off season over the summer.

Still lots of little things to work on, but for the first day back to 500, I'm pretty pleased with it.


Items Used in this Training Session
Micro Bands
EZ Loaders
Monster Mini Bands
SS Yoke Bar

Warm Up
Reverse Hyper - 3x15
Standing Cable Crunch - 3x15

A1) Squat
515x1 - add reverse micro bands

B1) Buffalo Bar Squat vs Monster Mini Bands and 2 Chains Per Side
145x3 - add chains and bands
360x3 - PR

C1) SSB Good Mornings
255x10 - PR

D1) SSB Step Ups
3x10 per leg

E1) Reverse Hyper

F1) Band Good Mornings
100 total reps

G1) Wtd Straight Leg Sit Ups