I’ve decided to start compiling my own “articles of the week” that go up here on EliteFTS. I’ve been an avid reader of EVERY article for roughly the past 5+ years, and it’s the sole place that I go to increase my knowledge base, lifting, coaching, and personal growth. If you aren’t reading the articles on this site, you are really doing yourself a disservice! With that being said, here is the week in review of articles I either found interesting, useful, or just down right awesome. These are articles that spiked my interest and only reflect my views, but check em out and you can expect these every weekend for a LONG time. Enjoy!

Three Coaching Cues You Need to Avoid by Mark Watts

elitefts Classic: How to Set Up A Program - A New Look at Weak Points by Jim Wendler

Maximizing Muscle Growth Q&A: Rep Ranges, Chest Size Without Heavy Pressing, and Core Lift Rotation by Team elitefts

Finding Strength: Colosseum Strongman by Zach Gallmann

Setting New Standards for Freshman Summer Training by Coach G

Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Dieting and Training by Alycia Israel

Three Training Methods to Strengthen Your Weak Points by Chad Aichs

The Three Best and Worst Parts of Owning a Gym by David Allen

Why Do You Lift - What the Absence of Motivation Teaches Us (Suicide) by Marilia Coutinho

WATCH: Off Topic with Dave Tate and Jim Wendler - Near Death Experience by elitefts staff


In-Season Training for Football: 3 Tips to Maximize Performance by Mark Watts

Motivation and Muscle Podcast 484 by Mark Watts

Are You Up To Standard? by Dave Tate

Taking you home gym to the next level by Dave Tate

Beginning Strongman-What do I do? Part 2 by C.J. Murphy

The Strongman Guide to PR City! by Clint Darden

How Much Money Do Powerlifters Make? by Dave Tate

What We Can Do Better for Youth Sports by Mark Watts