I am thrilled to be back to training strongman and finding my passion to train once again. My return to strongman isn't just about getting back into event training. It's also my return to dropping weight, becoming athletic once again, maintaining solid nutrition AND figuring out how to incorporate and maintain grip training in the mix. In the past that has not been possible and I generally go out in a big ball of flames. This time I'm optimistic.

A perfect storm is brewing and many different components of who I am as an athlete are changing and improving. Part of this process is reflecting on where I have been in order to catch you all up while continuing the inner strength to rebuild and compete at my best.

You can catch up on the three installments of how I got to where I am

Rebuilding: The Fat Doctor & Inevitable Decline

Rebuilding: The Fall Out

Rebuilding: Path To Success

It is with mixed feelings; I can officially say that I have lost 50 lbs. since January. Of course I am thrilled to have dropped the weight. On the other hand, I am sitting on pins and needles to see how it impacts my performance in strongman.

If you haven’t already, catch up on the links above with the background information including that one time when I cut calories and destroyed my strength then everything exploded into a giant ball of ugh.

The Goals

This time around my goals weren’t necessarily set in relation to the scale. When I set out on this path my initial goals were to return to being more athletic, quicker and just feel better. That has for sure been accomplished. Initially the goal was to drop 43 lbs. by May 20. Things were going super well, so I decided to keep going and reevaluate at 50 lbs. lost. Well, I am there.

The Plan

In short, my nutrition was a form of carb cycling. The more important aspect of the plan was laser focus and determination to stick with it. No cheat meals, maybe a hidden bite of something every so often but my thinking was the quicker I could get through the process meant the quicker I could eat something besides basically meat, broccoli and nuts.

So Now What?

My training has been grueling at times and pushed many limits that previously I wasn’t able to in terms of recovery and mental fortitude. I see glimpses of my strength being impacted, especially on log and DL. I have to relearn some technique to adjust to the changes in my body. I feel good about the adjustments and things are coming together nicely.

When I decided to scrap the San Jose FitExpo, I had United States Strongman Nationals on my radar. My attraction to that event was it just looks FUN! It’s something different than expo halls all the time. I miss competing outside and doing something different. The last month or so I have been training for USS Nats events to see where my strength and conditioning might come in. Last week I finally committed and turned in my entry. This girl is going to Kentucky to throw down and put my progress to the test. My goal for nationals is to qualify for Pro Women’s Worlds in October which equals top three in the SHWW division.

Now that I sent my entry in, it’s time to switch up the nutrition and add in about 500 calories more per day along with some carbs. I hear rumblings of potential cheat meals, which unless it directly carries over to performance, I could care less right now. My current plan is to make the mental switch to a performance focus the last 27 days or so. After the competition I will take time to kick back, enjoy some summer fun and camping trips, and then decide what I want to do. Part of me wants to drop another 50 pounds but the other part of me wants to do whatever I need to do in order to stay in the game as long as possible while still being competitive. So, I suppose we will revisit that issue this fall and make a decision. I do plan on continuing to eat very cleanly for the summer, but I will allow myself some flexibility.

The Before & Afters

Oddly enough NOBODY outside of Mattie and the kids have commented about my weight loss. I mean, it’s not like it’s not absolutely obvious because last week in a desperate panic to find clean clothes, I wore a pair of pants which hung down to my knees in the back and my skirts are falling down most of the time during the school day.

My plan was to make it through the school year before buying new clothes. Numerous times the kids have walked behind me while I was washing dishes and they would make disgusted comments that my undies were showing and to pull my shorts up. Whatever. Pfft. What teenager out there wouldn’t want a mom who walks around with her pants hanging down and undies hanging out? That looks good!

Things took an awkward turn last week when I was shopping and I felt something slide down my leg. My arms were full and in a panic I threw everything down and reached around my waist grasping to find my shorts and make sure they were still up. Thankfully they were. I dropped something out of my hand and it slid down my leg. It's fair to say that event has caused me some concern and desire to buy some new clothes.

Suddenly everyone around me showcases their food for my review on a daily basis and several people have been motivated to start down their own path of healthy eating and self- improvement. Motivating others is the “Pass On” and those are the things that bring me the greatest joy.

If you’re in Louisville on June 11 for United States Strongman Nationals, come by and say hi! I’ll be the big girl pulling up her shorts the whole time. Joking. I will buy some new shorts but PLEASE say hi! Andy and Chase will be there too!

Here is my token before and after picture. Pretty sure you can’t tell a thing except my face is thinner. I am terrible at taking pics and videos but am trying to make more of an effort. Shoot, I may even get around to setting up a personal Instagram. Maybe.
