The following details my secondary chest, shoulder and triceps workout from this past Sunday morning at Kirkland Gold’s Gym. As mentioned in a previous training log, I’ve been toying around with Vince Gironda training methods. My primary focus is on his philosophy of doing as much work in a short period of time. This means very short rest breaks, giant set, alternating sets, circuits, etc. Here is what I did...
Chest Giant Set: Machine Press -> HBT Incline Barbell Press -> Machine Flyes -> Dips
Perform a few warm-up sets on each exercise if necessary to get the blood flowing.
I used these bands for the Hanging Band Technique (HBT) exercise:
Machine Press x 8 reps with 170lbs
Immediately followed by…
HBT Incline Barbell Press x 8 reps with 135lbs + 10lbs hanging from bands on each side
Immediately followed by…
Machine Flyes x 8 reps with 145lbs
Immediately followed by…
Dips x 6-3 reps with body weight only
Immediately repeat Giant Set…
*The idea here is to select 4 exercises and aim for 8 reps on each with the same weight and perform them as a circuit, resting just long enough to move from one exercise to the next. Ensure perfect form on every exercise. The dips proved challenging for me and I probably should have done them on an assist machine, but instead just went to failure. After performing the dips, my rest break lasted just long enough for me to drink some Plazma and then I went straight back into the giant set. Perform the giant set for 5 rounds.
Shoulder Tri-Set: Machine Rear Delts -> Cable Side Laterals -> Machine Shoulder Press
Machine Rear Delts x 8 reps with 120lbs
Immediately followed by…
Cable Side Laterals x 8 reps with 20lbs
Immediately followed by…
Machine Shoulder Press x 8 reps with 70lbs (each side)
Immediately repeat Tri-Set...
*The approach is similar here for shoulders, but with three exercises. I normally do high reps for rear delts so I held the contraction for a 2 second count on each rep to feel the muscle better. On the cable side laterals I grabbed opposite cables from the low pulley position so the cables crossed behind my back and performed side laterals holding the cable without an attachment. Again, holding the contraction at the top here on the side laterals. On the machine shoulder press I stopped short of lockout and didn’t bring the weight down so far that I overstretched my deltoids - aim for continuous tension. Perform this tri-set for 5 rounds.
Triceps Tri-Set: Supinated Pushdowns -> Assist Machine Pushdowns -> Overhead Extensions
I used separate D handles with long straps on the supinated pushdowns and overhead extensions - FYI.
Supinated Pushdowns x 8 reps with 70lbs
Immediately followed by…
Assist Machine Pushdowns x 8 reps with 70lbs
Immediately followed by…
Overhead Extensions x 8 reps with 70lbs (same attachments as supinated push-downs)
Immediately repeat the Tri-Set…
*Utilizing a supinated grip, spread the D handles at the bottom while flexing your triceps as hard as possible on the first exercise. The assist machine pushdowns are performed by using the dip/pull-up cheater machine and pushing the pad (where your knees normally go) down with your hands. I use a close hand position with pointer fingers and thumbs touching; allowing my elbows to flare as the pad comes up. Finish the tri-set with the same attachments from exercise #1, but do pronated grip overhead extensions. Perform this tri-set for 4 rounds.
That concluded this secondary chest, shoulder and triceps workout.
Train hard!