I'm currently in a off season style of training, trying to bring up weak points and improve body composition for the duration of the summer. At the end of summer I will reevaluate where I stand, and decide whether I would like to compete in the late fall, or wait until the XPC Finals in March of 2016.
For programming and coaching inquires, please email SmitleyPerformanceSystems@gmail.com
Tuesday knocked out my final lower body deload until the meet prep starts. I went with some Yoke Bar box squats to mix things up a bit, but I kept things still rather light. I felt this let my hips and shoulders get a break, but I finally eased back into some barbell work. I know I'm going to have a straight bar on my back for a while, so I was keeping that in mind. I knocked out some deadlifts to drill technique and some speed, then hit some light accessory work and Prowler pushes to round out the session. I'm still feeling pretty good, and ready for some carbs! I also scheduled myself another bod pod session for Friday, so we'll see what kind of progress I made over the off season/summer in terms of body comp. I think things are going to be pretty interesting. I'll share the results probably over the weekend.
Items Used in this Training Session
SS Yoke Bar
EZ Loaders
Box Squat Box
Monster Mini Band
Warm Up
Reverse Hyper - 185x3x25
Grip Work
None for the day
A1) SSB Speed Box Squats vs 3 Chains/Side
65x5 - add chains
B1) Speed Sumo Deadlifts
C1) Step Ups
10x10 per leg, about 20 sec rest between sets
D1) Band Leg Extensions
E1) Band Leg Curls
F1) Knee to Elbow Planks
100 total reps
G1) Prowler
Push/Walk Down
Low Handle Sprint Back
5 Rounds