15 lbs under my third attempt bench last meet, taking a TON of notes to see how this transfers to my bench. Being transparent, one of my largest struggles as a coach is progressing clients bench presses. Ironically, my bench press has struggled as well, with this new style of programming and exercise prescriptions I am suggesting, I may be on to something, hence why all the notes are being taken. Cannot wait for the next 10 weeks to "test and tune" this program!


*(edited) Close Grip Shoulder Saver Max 3:
*Drop weight (20% female 25%) then 3x5 + 3 second pause: 275
*Single Arm seated cable rows 3x10: hole 6
*Ladder Neutral grip pull-downs (change hands each set) 3x12: 140,140,140
*DB Row 3x10: 80
*Rolling Tricep Extensions 3x12: 35
*Rear Delt 3x20


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0ddeZNrFzUs" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>