{ This letter was sent last week to our newsletter subscribers. Based on the overwhelming response we decided to post this as an article to help promote this project to a wider audience. Please remember as you read this your donation IS the purchase of the 800 page Lift Strong CD-Manual. All proceeds from this project go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. EliteFTS would like to help you all for the support. With your help with have helped raise over $25,000 for the cause. Thank You }
PLEASE…45 seconds of your time…
Let me cut right to the chase here—I’m asking for your help. And it has to do with cancer.
I’m going to refrain from sharing memories about people whom I’ve lost to this disease or stories of those who beat it. Every one of us has a similar story, and every one of them closely reflects a very similar outcome. One person survives, many others do not.
However, one person’s loss or another person’s victory is no greater and no less than the other. Above all, deep down, we’re all going to be touched by this terrible disease at some point in our lives—whether it’s through a friend of a friend or a girlfriend or boyfriend, husband or wife, mother or father, brother or sister, daughter or son, or even ourselves.
So this basically leaves us all with two options: a) do nothing, or b) help.
Think of it this way—is cancer serious? Can it be treated? Do you take your lifting seriously? Can you become better and stronger? Hell yeah, it is...and hell yes, you can. Look, both of these subjects are very serious to all of us. And we ALL have poured hundreds of hours into research on training and have spent hundreds of dollars on seminars, books, DVDs, and equipment.
So here’s an opportunity to do both. Flat out. Here’s the deal. I’m asking you for a $25 donation to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. I’m not going to try to mask this as some gimmick or promotion. It is what is. Financial support.
In return, however, EliteFTS will send you, free of charge, a special 800-page CD (titled Lift Strong) that contains articles from basically every leading training authority of our time. Every single dime of your donation goes directly to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. And every single article was donated. EliteFTS is helping to do its part—in addition to a contribution—by donating our entire marketing and distribution resources to get this CD into your hands.
The story behind this is quite simple. My good friend and EliteFTS contributor, Alwyn Cosgrove—a two time cancer survivor—took the initiative to create the Lift Strong concept as a way to engage support from the strength and fitness community. Why? Simply because of the INCREDIBLE reach and connection we all have with one another. Think about it. With email and the internet, every single person in our industry isn’t more than a click away.
EliteFTS.com began in 1999 with Q&A’s and articles. To date, we’ve published more than 400 articles and answered over 40,000 questions. We’ve also grown from only a few unique visitors to close to one million. I point this out to express my thanks and to also note that we’ve never asked for a thing from any of you for these resources. They were and will be given to everyone for free in hopes of making your life and training better.
That’s why I’m being completely honest here when I say that I’m asking for your financial support for cancer, and I’m not selling this CD. All that we’re trying to do is “complete the loop” on this. Meaning, Alwyn came up with the concept, all of the authors donated time and effort to provide content, and EliteFTS will market and distribute Lift Strong. Our hope is that the rest of the industry can make a contribution as well by donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.
Alwyn is alive after facing cancer twice. Alwyn and others are alive today because of advanced medical treatment. Medical treatment discovered by research. Research funded by money. Money sourced from donations. Donations from people like you, me, Alwyn, the contributors to Lift Strong, and all of the other industry sectors out there that have done similar initiatives.
And if you think I’m being insincere about this or if you think this is just a business angle, but you REALLY want the CD and are adamantly against making the donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, please email me directly at LiftStrong@elitefts.com, and we’ll work to get you a copy anyways. For those who request the free copy, EliteFTS will make a donation on your behalf, and we will recognize your name on a special page that is being created for the site.
I said it was free, and I meant it. However, more importantly, I’m asking you to help make the $25 donation.
Dave Tate
President, EliteFTS.com
Elite Fitness Systems
P.S. Your purchase of the Lift Strong CD–Manual is your donation (all proceeds go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society). If you would like to donate more, please feel free to order more than one copy. This is an 800-page manual featuring 55 different authors.
P.S.S. To all of those who have already donated, thank you. We’ve already had over 800 donations.