This is part one of a two-part video series.
The goal of this series is to give aspiring strength coaches and fitness professionals the optimism and tools required to get things rolling quickly, easily, and without a loan or business partners. Now, I said “easily.” But what I really mean is without all the complications, fancy equipment, and turf flooring.
This will not be easy. Running a successful business not only requires passion and hard work but also putting systems in place so that your business runs smoothly and effectively, allowing you to get some away time so that you’re not always the one and only running the show.
Although you’re about to see my small gym, if I were just starting out, I would go with a 500-square foot place if I could find one. I’d get a 2 X 2 rack, one barbell, a ton of used dumbbells, sandbags, and a few sleds. When you see the video below, you’ll understand my philosophy more.
My big reason for creating this video is to give you hope and show you that it can be done. Too many people are waiting for the sun and the moon to align and for perfection to fall into their laps. There is no such thing, my friend. The difference is in who has the “balls” to take action and make things happen.
Underground Strength Gym Business Tour - Part 1 from zach even - esh on Vimeo.