Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Things completely wrong with these pictures: 527
Dave Tate. The man is a legend to many, a mentor and an inspiration. He informs, educates, and motivates.
Dave Tate. I owe a lot to Dave. He has trusted me, guided me and driven me.
Dave Tate. A family man; a loving husband and doting father.
As you can see, Dave Tate wears many hats but none are more wrong than the one he is wearing in these pictures: both figuratively and literally. Apparently, wearing this hat has caused some kind of disturbance in his brain causing him to do the following:
1. Wear a tank top. The only reason to wear a tank top is....
2. Wear bodybuilding pants. I will give him an out on this one because this photo was taken during a sudden cold streak in Ohio. So while he will still be charged with a crime, we will allow him to plea bargain to a misdemeanor. (This is usually a felony in all 50 states, including Puerto Rico).
3. Use of triceps rope for anything other than face pulls. Let me explain. While called a "triceps rope" this name is in fact very deceiving. While many of us will plan for pushdowns in our workouts, they are never done. This is because, as once said by the legendary George Halbert, "What the hell are triceps pushdowns going to do that the board pressing haven't already done?"
4. Show effort. Look at Dave's face. He is concentrating. This level of concentration should only be used for squat, deadlifts, bench presses (and their variations) as well as looking at the appetizers on a menu and deciding which one NOT to get.
Perhaps the most telling in this picture is the background. The only free weight piece of equipment is a 0-90 incline bench (it is to the left - yellow frame) that is pushed to the side.
I'm guessing that this exercise is for your biceps but all it really does is work my tear ducts. Get out your bugels, men. It's time for Taps.