WATCH: 8x8 Chest and Biceps
WATCH: 8x8 Chest and Biceps
This part of the 8×8 program is brought to you by the Chippendales, coming to a workout near you! Just kidding — we’re going to build those pecs and biceps and make you, yes, you, look better than the average Chippendale stripper. (Program results may vary.)
Back Workout of the Day with Rows, Pulldowns, and Pullovers
Back Workout of the Day with Rows, Pulldowns, and Pullovers
Another day, another back and bis workout. This one includes one of my favorite pulldown variations: Alternating Hammer Strength Pulldowns. You can do it from a stretched position or from a fully contracted position. Click to find out which one I chose and watch me do it in action.
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter — Programming Arm Training (with Sample Routine)
Bodybuilding for the Powerlifter — Programming Arm Training (with Sample...
No, hammer curls and pushdowns probably aren’t going to add 50 pounds to your bench, but they very well might keep your elbows healthy enough so that you can train consistently. And getting arms big enough to bust through shirtsleeves is fun.
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
Skip’s Tips for Training Each Muscle Group
There are a lot of great tips, but these are what I consider the best for training back, shoulders, chest, triceps, biceps, calves, legs, and abs.
What Really Happens When You Stop Working Out?
What Really Happens When You Stop Working Out?
People put in all the time and hard work to reach their fitness goals, but what happens to your body when you stop working all together?
4 Weeks To Bigger Arms
4 Weeks To Bigger Arms
A very simple four-week training block to put some size on your arms, help stabilize your basic lifts and increase overall strength.
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
What Muscle Proportions Create the Ideal Aesthetic Physique?
These illustrations from Reddit user /u/Chicken_Mcfugget demonstrate the impact of small muscular changes.
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Red Yeast Rice for Healthy Blood Lipids—Who’s Foolin’ Who?
Is this “natural” supplement used to reduce blood lipids all it’s cracked up to be?
Dumbbell Curls with Iso-tension
Dumbbell Curls with Iso-tension
Scott Stevenson performs a mechanical drop set of dumbbell curls
Dumbbell Scott Curls
Dumbbell Scott Curls
Matt Kroc training arms 2 weeks out from NPC Mich State Championships
Darden Diaries: Bicep Training for Strongman?
Darden Diaries: Bicep Training for Strongman?
Do you need to focus on bicep work while training for Strongman?
21's for Guns
21's for Guns
Not every expert will agree on what to do in the weight room.
Fat Bar Chain Push Ups
Fat Bar Chain Push Ups
Fat bar chain push ups.
How Shelby Maintains His Huge Pipes
How Shelby Maintains His Huge Pipes
John’s workouts are taking my physique to a whole new level.
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Swiss Bar Grappler Press
Nobody said this was easy.
Medium Grip Pull Up
Medium Grip Pull Up
They will help improve your lockout strength in the deadlift.
Palm Foward DB Curl
Video demonstration of the palms forward dumbbell curl.
Fat Bar Curl
Fat Bar Curl
Video demonstration of the Fat Barbell Curl
Spud Strap Face Curl
Video Demonstration of Spud Strap Face Curl
Face Curls
Bicep Face Curls
Seated Barbell Curl
Seated Barbell Curl
Fat Zig Zag Bar Curls
Fat Zig Zag Bar Curls
Video demonstration of Fat Zig Zag Bar Curls.
Rope Curls
Video demonstration of Rope Curls.
Pull-Up Variations
Pull-Up Variations
Multiple Pull Up Variation Video
One Ring Pull Ups
One Ring Pull Ups
Pull ups and push ups are critical in our workouts, especially our combative athletes.
One Arm Pull-Up
One Arm Pull-Up
I’m not sure what to do with this exercise except to say that this will definitely increase your “cool” quotient (CQ) with fellow gym-goers.
Standing DB Curls
Standing DB Curls
So what’s the deal with all these exercises for biceps?
Incline DB Curls
Incline DB Curls
If I’m not mistaken the incline DB curl was one of the staples in Arnold’s arm training.
Hex DB Claw Curls
Hex DB Claw Curls
This is a great way to incorporate grip work into your bicep curls.
Hammer Grip Curls
Hammer Grip Curls
Exercise can be done while standing or on a preacher curl bench.
Hammer Curls - Two Arm
Hammer Curls - Two Arm
This is a great movement to help prevent elbow, pec and shoulder tendon injuries.
Double Hammer Curls
Double Hammer Curls
Exercise can be done while standing or on a preacher curl bench.
Double Biceps Curl
Double Biceps Curl
This is my kind of curl.
Double Arm Chain Curls
Double Arm Chain Curls
This madness HAS to stop!
Depression Curls
Depression Curls
Well here it is. The final straw.
Alternate Hammer Curl
Alternate Hammer Curl
Harboring unlawful weapons.
Alternate DB Curl
Alternate DB Curl
The Ocular Organ/Muscle connection; Wendler Principle #1
Alternate Chain Curls
Alternate Chain Curls
I didn’t know where to put this gem.
Waiter's Bow
Waiter's Bow
The lifter will perform a bent over row and hip extension movement with multiple plates.
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Weighted Moderate-Wide Grip Chins
Chins, what can we say about them?
Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Things completely wrong with these pictures: 527
Machine Curls
Machine Curls
I don’t think so.
Sled Bicep Curl
Sled Bicep Curl
Ensure tension on strap at start
Curls - Sandbag and Thick Rope
Curls - Sandbag and Thick Rope
This movement is not just for biceps.
Team Training Grip Exercise - The Support Game
Team Training Grip Exercise - The Support Game
Two athletes/teammates stand facing each other on one side of the collar of an olympic bar loaded with an appropriate weight
Plate Wrist Curls
Plate Wrist Curls
Grip Strength – Levering
Plate Pinch with Curl
Plate Pinch with Curl
Building Grip strength in open hand position while creating stabilization in the wrist
Cable Curls w/ EZ Curl Bar
Cable Curls w/ EZ Curl Bar
If you need any technique advice on this exercise, God help your soul.
Supra Bar Biceps Curls
Supra Bar Biceps Curls
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone comes out with another curl bar.
Standing EZ bar Curls with Chains
Do you ever do an exercise and then think to yourself, “What the hell was I doing?”
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
I’m not a big fan of curls. In fact, I can count on my back hairs how many reps I’ve done over my lifetime.
Band Resisted Pull-Ups
Band Resisted Pull-Ups
To do this exercise, anchor two bands to either side of the rack and run them through your belt.
 Want to Squat Like a Man? Lift Like a Woman
Want to Squat Like a Man? Lift Like a Woman
Every day you can go into a weight room anywhere in the country and two things will be certain

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