Kickbacks, Curls, and Training Girls
Kickbacks, Curls, and Training Girls
How do you train a woman in her 30s or 40s with zero background in lifting? Isolate, then integrate.
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
3 Old-School Exercises You Need in Your Training Plan
Growing and progressing is the name of the game. You should do what works even if it isn’t new.
Banded Single Leg Hamstring Curl
Banded Single Leg Hamstring Curl
Elitefts™ founder Dave Tate demonstrates how to perform a banded single leg hamstring curl.
Dumbbell Curls with Iso-tension
Dumbbell Curls with Iso-tension
Scott Stevenson performs a mechanical drop set of dumbbell curls
Banded Dumbbell Leg Curl
Julia Ladewski demonstrates how to perform a banded dumbbell leg curl
Seated Hammer Curl with Chains
Seated Hammer Curl with Chains
EliteFTS Columnist Sheena Leedham performing seated hammer curls with chains
Dumbbell Scott Curls
Dumbbell Scott Curls
Matt Kroc training arms 2 weeks out from NPC Mich State Championships
Are You Majoring in the Minors?
Are You Majoring in the Minors?
You might be majoring in the minors if…
21's for Guns
21's for Guns
Not every expert will agree on what to do in the weight room.
Skin-Splitting Training for Massive Arms
Skin-Splitting Training for Massive Arms
Now, how do I dig myself out of the hole I created with this title?
Palm Foward DB Curl
Video demonstration of the palms forward dumbbell curl.
Fat Bar Curl
Fat Bar Curl
Video demonstration of the Fat Barbell Curl
Face Curls
Bicep Face Curls
Fat Zig Zag Bar Curls
Fat Zig Zag Bar Curls
Video demonstration of Fat Zig Zag Bar Curls.
Rope Curls
Video demonstration of Rope Curls.
Kroc Curls
These are NOT the same as regular curls, that’s for sure.
Standing DB Curls
Standing DB Curls
So what’s the deal with all these exercises for biceps?
Incline DB Curls
Incline DB Curls
If I’m not mistaken the incline DB curl was one of the staples in Arnold’s arm training.
Hex DB Claw Curls
Hex DB Claw Curls
This is a great way to incorporate grip work into your bicep curls.
Hammer Grip Curls
Hammer Grip Curls
Exercise can be done while standing or on a preacher curl bench.
Hammer Curls - Two Arm
Hammer Curls - Two Arm
This is a great movement to help prevent elbow, pec and shoulder tendon injuries.
Double Hammer Curls
Double Hammer Curls
Exercise can be done while standing or on a preacher curl bench.
Double Biceps Curl
Double Biceps Curl
This is my kind of curl.
Double Arm Chain Curls
Double Arm Chain Curls
This madness HAS to stop!
Depression Curls
Depression Curls
Well here it is. The final straw.
Alternate Hammer Curl
Alternate Hammer Curl
Harboring unlawful weapons.
Alternate DB Curl
Alternate DB Curl
The Ocular Organ/Muscle connection; Wendler Principle #1
Alternate Chain Curls
Alternate Chain Curls
I didn’t know where to put this gem.
Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Riding the Short Bus w/ Triceps Rope
Things completely wrong with these pictures: 527
Sled Bicep Curl
Sled Bicep Curl
Ensure tension on strap at start
Cable Curls w/ EZ Curl Bar
Cable Curls w/ EZ Curl Bar
If you need any technique advice on this exercise, God help your soul.
Supra Bar Biceps Curls
Supra Bar Biceps Curls
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, someone comes out with another curl bar.
Standing EZ bar Curls with Chains
Do you ever do an exercise and then think to yourself, “What the hell was I doing?”
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
Barbell Curls w/ Chains
I’m not a big fan of curls. In fact, I can count on my back hairs how many reps I’ve done over my lifetime.
 Down with the Hammer Curl
Down with the Hammer Curl
This is a quick story of how I got back to benching pain free.

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