Motor units, rate coding, fast-twitch muscle fibers, recruitment capacity—do you have this all down? Do you understand what is going on in your body when you are lifting? Sometimes it feels like you need a degree just to figure out what’s going on with your body. Most people have an understanding that a bigger muscle, all things being equal, is a stronger muscle. This isn’t always the case due to one major factor of strength potential—the neural system.
To help you understand this often overlooked aspect of strength, I’m going to take a page (actually a few pages) from Zatsiorsky and Kraemer’s Science and Practice of Strength Training to explain these neural factors. Because throwing various terms and definitions might only serve to confuse, I’m including some analogies to help with understanding.
Intramuscular coordination
Muscle strength through intramuscular coordination comes from three different factors—recruitment, rate coding, and synchronization. All of these are accomplished with the use of motor units. To put it the fancy way, a motor unit is comprised of a motoneuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates. An easier way to think of this is a light switch and lights. The motoneuron (light switch) turns on or off the muscle fibers (lights). Just like a light switch can control one light or multiple lights, a motoneuron controls a various amount of muscle fibers.
There are many muscle fibers within each muscle, but the number of muscle fibers isn’t necessarily related to how many motoneurons there are controlling them. One might control 100 fibers while another controls 1,000. The determining factor for this is the level of control needed. Controlling finger movements uses more motoneurons than bending your leg due to the small, accurate movements needed. To continue with the light switch analogy, think of a gym or office level floor. There will only be a handful of light switches to turn on all the lights (few motoneurons controlling many fibers). Contrast this with a photographer’s studio where certain individual lights are turned on or off to get the correct lighting (many motoneurons controlling few fibers).
Now that we know the basics of intramuscular coordination, let’s look at the three main factors.
Motor unit recruitment
To understand recruitment, we need to build on our knowledge of motor units. There are two types of motor units (for our sake of explanation)—slow twitch and fast twitch. Slow motor units are characterized by having low force and high endurance muscle fibers. I bet you can guess what the characteristics of the fast motor unit are. You got it—high force and low endurance muscle fibers. Examples of these are usually a sprinter and a marathon runner. The sprinter has speed but can’t sustain that effort for long because fast twitch motor units are used. The marathoner can sustain his effort for a very long time because the speed is lower and he’s using the slow twitch motor units.
Time for another analogy. This time we’re going to use a platoon of soldiers, where each soldier represents a muscle fiber. Some in the platoon have a M16 while the rest are carrying around a bazooka. Both of these have a different amount of “killing power” (yeah, that’s the term I’m using just because it sounds cool). The M16 is like our slow twitch muscle fibers You have a good amount of ammo (high endurance), but each individual shot has a fairly low killing power (low force). While on the other hand, the bazooka gets one shot (low endurance) and you’re out! The killing power could take out a tank (high force) so it’s worth the trade off.
This combination of firepower in the platoon makes it well-rounded and ready for anything that comes its way, just like in our muscle with its combination of slow and fast twitch fibers. If all you’re trying to do is pick a book off of a table, your body is just going to call on the slower ones to pick it up. Going for that new max in the deadlift is another story, and the faster ones will get recruited.
This brings up the size principle. Recruitment will always start at the smaller, low force motor units, and as more strength is needed, the body will start recruiting the stronger ones. This will always be the recruitment pattern with high force motor units not being recruited until the lower force ones are. The same thing happens if the opposing enemy force just sent half a dozen enemy soldiers. Those slow twitch M16’s can take care of that. But wait a second. Now there are a couple tanks coming too. Time to recruit those fast twitch bazookas to handle that.
Now, if there were 200 tanks along with enemy soldiers coming over the hill, it would be too much to contend with. Some could be taken out, but after awhile, the bazookas would be out of ammo and the M16’s wouldn’t stand a chance. The same applies when you try a 100-lb PR. Even though you have your slow twitch and fast twitch fibers recruited, all the force that you’re applying can’t overcome the raw weight. The total recruitment and “killing force” that you’re trying to use to lift that weight just isn’t enough.
The same thing happens when you’re trying to lift a near max weight multiple times. The slow twitch fibers are recruited and then the fast twitch, but due to the low endurance capability of them, they “run out of ammo” and the set comes to an end whether you like it or not. Lowering the weight allows more reps to be done. However, the lower weight and force needed to lift it, the less the fast twitch is used and the more you rely on slow twitch. That’s not what we want to do if we want to get stronger.
So, now that we have the basics of motor unit recruitment and the size principle down, how do we get stronger from this? First, understand that total motor unit recruitment can’t be done voluntarily. If you have total recruitment with no golgi tendon inhibition, it’s likely you would rip the muscle tendon right off the bone. Next, motor unit recruitment in beginning trainers is fairly low, commonly thought to be no more than half. Lucky for us, training enhances this.
Going back to our platoon analogy, a beginner trainee is like a beginner platoon that is still learning how to work together as a team. There are a hundred soldiers—fifty of the slow twitch M16 fibers and 50 of the fast twitch bazooka ones. The general yells, “fire!” and what happens? Well, only twenty M16’s and bazooka’s shoot off while the rest are picking their nose, looking up at the clouds, and trying to see how long they can stand on one foot. This is much less than the total “killing force” they are capable of and illustrates the beginning trainee’s muscle recruitment and strength. Not much at all.
With continued lifting, the fibers become better at becoming recruited and strength will increase. This can happen without any increase in the size of the muscle. All that is happening is more of the muscle fibers that are already present are now being used. This is one of the factors strength athletes use to stay in their weight class. Instead of increasing muscle size to get stronger, the neural system is focused on.
So we return now to our war hardened platoon after years of combat. All that experience has paid off and they are able to demonstrate the full force they are capable of. The general doesn’t even need to finish yelling “fire” at this point, and the soldiers are able to unleash a fury of M16 and bazooka fire against their enemies that would make Rambo proud. The trainee follows suit. After years of experience under the bar, he can now demonstrate a high level of motor unit recruitment, lifting a bar-bending weight that seems unlikely for his size.
Rate coding
Rate coding is the second factor in strength production in muscle. Where recruitment is more about how many fibers are recruited, rate coding is more about “turning them on” and the firing rate of the motor unit. While it seems like when you’re lifting a weight, your muscle flexes and turns on the entire time, that’s not really the case. There is a certain amount of the force against the weight when you’re lifting it, which is greater than the bar weight, and then when you lower it, the force has to be slightly less than bar weight.
Think of doing a curl. If your muscle just turned on full tilt, your muscle would flex and bring up the bar. The only way to bring it down would be to turn off the muscle and it would fall uncontrolled. That’s not what happens though. There is a gradual application and relaxation of force, which allows for a smooth movement and even allows for holding the weight steady. (Not so smooth and steady if you’re the frat boy grunting and swinging the bar during curls with ten pounds on the bar while your frat buddy is telling you how sweet your ‘guns’ will look in the club that night.) You can control how fast or slow the bar goes. This different force being applied by your muscle is due to motor unit recruitment (talked about above) but is mostly due to rate coding.
With a light switch, you have an on or off position. “On” turns on the light (your motor unit), and “off” turns off the light (as well as your motor unit). But to get that difference of force from your motor units, we need to think of it more like a strobe light that has numerous pulses. Fewer strobe light pulses means less light going out and less force applied by a motor unit. Lifting a lighter weight gives less “pulses,” lower rate coding, and a lighter application of force. Lifting that light weight faster results in higher rate coding, just like lifting a heavier weight will. So with those max attempt lifts, our “strobe light” is flashing so quickly it almost looks like a light switch that is turned on, shining blinding light as that new PR is reached.
Not a lot for this one. First off, synchronization basically means “working at the same time.” In our case, it’s motor units that are working at the same time. So, remember that motor units control muscle fibers and those muscle fibers control the force. In trained athletes, motor units can work synchronously to produce more force. Going back to our platoon analogy, when the general yells “fire,” this means multiple platoons fire at the same time. So we have a synchronous multi-platoon “killing force” (I just had to use it again) unmatched by any singular platoon. Obviously, two platoons have more force than one, just like two motor units will be able to recruit more muscle fibers and generate more force than only one. This is the synchronization piece of the puzzle to strength.
Intermuscular coordination
We just finished up the three factors in intramuscular coordination. The “intra” factors talk about what is happening inside the muscle and the “inter” factor is what is happening around the muscle. Any movement isn’t completely isolated and involves multiple muscle groups. Something like a squat involves much more than a curl, but even a curl requires stabilization and isometric action by your body.
This concept can be explained by talking about two different ways to try to increase your bench press. While benching, there are many muscle groups being used, but the main ones are the chest, shoulders, and triceps. One training routine focuses on benching to increase the bench (novel concept, huh!) while the other routine focuses on cable crossovers, side raises, and triceps extensions. Both routines are working the muscles involved in the bench. Only one is working the muscles together that are involved in the bench. This is the basis of intermuscular coordination—getting all the muscles involved to work together at the same time. The better they all work together, the smoother and easier the movement will become. Our platoon of soldiers, along with some air support and tanks, will be able to overtake the enemy easier than if they were alone.
So, there you have it. Didn’t realize all of that was actually going on when you lifted weights, huh? Hopefully, you now realize that there are multiple factors involved in strength, and I hope you understand a little more about how they come into play. The most important factor isn’t just the size of a muscle but how that muscle works. Happy training!