Before Julia had made the chief decision to compete in the physique division at the NPC Junior National Championships in Chicago Illinois, June 14th and 15th, I had the pleasure of sitting down with her and asking her a few questions. This interview actually took place after her initial efforts competing in the figure division at the 2013 NPC Mike Francois Classic.
I have titled the interview From Chucks to Heels to reveal one of many, drastic shifts needed to be made in order to reach the goal of stepping on stage.
Through our time together she answered the following questions:
1. How did the idea of competing in figure come forth?
2. I’d like to go through a few transitions as you share what first comes to mind as you hear each shift.
- Chucks to heels
- Squat day to Leg day
- Kiefer to Meadows
- “Press” to “Quarter Turn”
3. What have you gained throughout the figure prep and show experience?
4. What are you hoping your children gained from watching their Mom make such a transformation?
5. Loaded question here, but do you see yourself competing in a figure show or physique-oriented endeavor in the near future?
6. What’s the next goal at hand?
Coming tomorrow...Be on the look out for Julia's in-depth recap of Junior Nationals!