Following a three-hour-long Table Talk Podcast recording session, Justin Harris and Dave Tate decide it’s time to do some training. Had they not been sitting and talking for so long, Justin would have been doing his Leg Day routine. Instead, he works on his back with Dave throwing out cues.
Warm-Up: Cable Pullovers and Lat Pulldowns: 3x10-20
Justin starts things off with a few Cable Pullovers — three sets of 10 to 20 reps. He used loose handles and a close grip so he could turn the handles.
For the Lat Pulldowns, Justin finds he has a hard time activating his lats, so instead of leaning back, he sits upright and really pulls down into his lower chest. He used the PRIME RO-T8 Handles.
As a general rule of thumb when selecting exercises, Justin chooses movements he can do for 10 to 13 clean reps. After those, he’ll start stretching and letting his muscles relax, then bang out two more reps. Overall, he tries to get in at least 20 reps, even though the last half or so get a little sloppy.
Deadlifts: Work up to a heavy set of 10 (“A hard 8”)
Dave gives Justin plenty of feedback about how his deadlifts look: terrible. Still, he’s just gotten back in the swing of doing deadlifts, so we can cut him a little slack. (But Dave certainly won’t.) He struggles to keep his arms straight and feet flat on the ground, which Dave attributes to Justin’s shoes.
Chest-Supported Rows: Warm-up set, then 3x8-10 to failure
When it comes to rows, especially Chest-Supported Rows and Bent-Over Barbell Rows, most people row while using their traps and rear delts. But if you’re a bodybuilder, you’ll want to focus on pulling down into (and with) the lats. That helps widen them, which is ideal for shows. As for powerlifters, stick with working those traps and delts for stabilizing the squat and bench.
Bent-Over Kettlebell Rows: 3x10
To quote Dave: “Dumbbell rows are bodybuilding burpees.” Not sure what that means for kettlebell rows, but Justin worked to pull high and keep his back stabilized. The first set was a little heavy, so he had to back down, and even then, that burnt him out — not so great since they weren’t all that heavy.
Seated Rope Rows: Finish with a set of 20
These are a pure lat exercise (courtesy of Dante Trudel), though they’re counterintuitive. Most traditional lat exercises require arching your back, but in this exercise, the lats do more than attach and contract at the spine. They also contract when you move the humerus, which is why pullovers are great lat exercises. When done correctly, Seated Rope Rows (sitting on a squat box) are the best lat exercises out there — and one of Justin’s favorites.