One of the most valuable times to analyze your technique on the squat, bench, or deadlift is after taking a heavy attempt in the 90%+ range. With lighter weights you may be able to hide poor technique, but under heavy loads all of your weaknesses are exposed. This is how you know where you are failing and learn what you need to change.

During a recent visit to elitefts, Christian Anto and several of his lifters from NBS Fitness discovered their own weaknesses by taking competition squats at 95%. In this video, Christian coaches Porter Wood through a box squat intended to help solve his glute and hamstring weakness.

Specific points:

  • Take a considerably wider stance than your normal, wrapped squat.
  • Wedge your body under the bar and stand up while twisting your feet to externally rotate your hips.
  • Push hips back first.
  • Reach back for the box on the eccentric.
  • Stay in control for the entire descent; do not fall onto the box.
  • If you fall to the box, increase the box height.
  • As you get stronger over time, lower the box until you reach proper depth.

WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters
