3 Plateau-Busting Accessory Exercises
3 Plateau-Busting Accessory Exercises
Sometimes it’s just not enough to deadlift to make the deadlift stronger. More than likely, we have to add supplemental movements to build our deadlift, the bench press, and standing overhead press.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Are Hex Bars, High Squats, and Box Squats Evil?
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Are Hex Bars, High Squats, and Box Squ...
What do Dave Tate, Nick Showman, Louie Simmons, and high school athletes have in common? A love-hate relationship with the trap bar… and a few other movements.
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
Stirring the Pot, Volume 1
I’ve been told I do a good job of being a heretic of the strength and conditioning coach profession, so I might as well keep it up and stir the pot with some of my hot takes on sumo deadlifts, box squatting, and more.
Make Box Squats Work for a Stronger Raw Squat
Make Box Squats Work for a Stronger Raw Squat
I found the most success when I box squatted, and I applied what I learned box squatting to my raw squat. On meet day, I felt the most dialed in, the most explosive, and the strongest that I ever have on a raw squat. Here’s how.
Simple 8-Week Barbell and Bike Conditioning Program
Simple 8-Week Barbell and Bike Conditioning Program
Tired of the same old training program? Want a break from your normal training specificity? Why not mix things up with this program? All you’ll need is a barbell, plates, a bike, a box for squatting, and a bench.
Add 100 Pounds To Your Squat — 5 Seminar Takeaways
Add 100 Pounds To Your Squat — 5 Seminar Takeaways
It took more than 20 years of surveys for us to define what is optimal. These are some of those key items and teaching points we’ve picked up from those surveys, such as training group size considerations and training the squat from the bottom up.
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
3 Technique Fixes to Squat Like a Baby
Do you seriously call that a squat? I’ve seen babies squat better than you! No, seriously, I have. Babies don’t know how to do the squat wrong! By the time your kids are toddling and in soccer camp, their squats start to fall apart. Here are the three things I do to correct athletes’ poor squats.
WATCH: Equipment Feature — elitefts Squat Box
WATCH: Equipment Feature — elitefts Squat Box
Are you always on the go? Not sure when you’re going to get your next box squat in? We have the perfect solution for you, and it’s called the elitefts Squat Box. Not only is it lightweight, but it’s incredibly versatile, with three heights in one box!
How to Squat for Strong(wo)man
How to Squat for Strong(wo)man
Even though squatting is rare in the lower levels of strong(wo)man competitions, I believe it’s something we still need to work on as an accessory movement. Grab some of your elitefts specialty bars, and I’ll show you the ropes.
Learn to Train X — Box Squat Technique Fix for Athletes
Learn to Train X — Box Squat Technique Fix for Athletes
In this presentation, Harvey goes back to the often-neglected and rarely taught basics. His first “simple technique”, is a detailed breakdown of how to box squat correctly.
WATCH: Must-Have Equipment for Any High School Weight Room
WATCH: Must-Have Equipment for Any High School Weight Room
Board of Education President Josh Hobbs recounts what he’s learned and shares his checklist of must-have equipment for any high school gym or weight room.
Best Caliber Athletes
Best Caliber Athletes
‘’Westside only gets the best caliber athletes to work with,” is something we’ve heard over the years. What does this mean?
College Football Off-Season Max Effort Variations: Programming and Comparisons
College Football Off-Season Max Effort Variations: Programming and Compa...
Inspired by Joe Kenn, this is how Pace programs the conjugate method (the use of variations) over an eight-week off-season for our athletes.
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the Squat
WATCH: Welcome to the Pit — Dave Tate Coaches the Squat
During a recent visit to Akron, Ohio Dave spent some time teaching proper squat technique to the owners and members of Welcome to the PIt.
WATCH: How to Box Squat with the Rackable Cambered Squat Bar
WATCH: How to Box Squat with the Rackable Cambered Squat Bar
Not only does this bar help avoid the wear and tear a straight bar can have on your shoulders, but it also enables you to build strength while using less weight and perform several very useful exercise variations.
How to Teach and Coach the Box Squat
How to Teach and Coach the Box Squat
In addition to the numerous, invaluable benefits of the box squat, it’s one of the easier movements to teach if you know how. Use this process to get your athletes box squatting correctly and you’ll see their weight room and sport performance skyrocket.
Training the Attacker
Training the Attacker
My thirteen-year-old daughter recently started a single weekly session, supplemented with interval running and sports specific training exercises. This is how she’s training for lacrosse.
WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses
WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses
If you or your clients are failing to properly load your glutes and hamstrings during a competition squat, this video will show you how.
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting
WATCH: Off Topic with Dave and Jim — Box Squatting
Box squats have been around for years but the debate still hasn’t been settled.
Squat Q&A: Zercher Squats, SS Yoke Bar Breathing, and Tight Hips
Squat Q&A: Zercher Squats, SS Yoke Bar Breathing, and Tight Hips
You have questions, team elitefts has answers. Today’s topic: the squat.
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
The JL Letters — Passages 3 and 4
Every relationship has its highs and lows. You can’t stay on the honeymoon forever.
WATCH: Managing Knee Pain and Targeting Trigger Points
WATCH: Managing Knee Pain and Targeting Trigger Points
If you haven’t suffered an impact injury, finding the cause of your discomfort will be a complicated challenge. Use these adjustments to help alleviate pain and discover the source of your lower-body aches.
Joe Defranco Teaching The Box Squat From The Bottom Up
Joe Defranco Teaching The Box Squat From The Bottom Up
The basics of teaching the box squat from the "bottom up"
Why Box Squat?
Why Box Squat?
You don't build a competitive resume without knowing a few things about box squatting.
Box Squat Troubleshooting: Improve Your Raw Total
Box Squat Troubleshooting: Improve Your Raw Total
You can ditch the gear, but don't ditch the box.
Are You Box Squatting or Squatting to a Box?
Are You Box Squatting or Squatting to a Box?
This man can break your leg like a Kit-Kat bar. Listen to him.
No Bullsh*t: Squat Without Falling Forward (with video)
No Bullsh*t: Squat Without Falling Forward (with video)
There’s nothing worse than a squat turning into a good morning. David gives you three ways to squat upright.
Yoke Bar Head Cam
The Dave-Cam returns. The closest thing to being inside Dave’s head is being on top of it. Dave is banging out some heavy yoke bar box squats and grunting all the way.
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
In Defense of Westside for Raw Lifters
It’s not about whether it’s right or wrong…it’s about if you’re doing it right!
Yoke Bar Box Squat with Chains (Strip Set)
Yoke Bar Box Squat with Chains (Strip Set)
Dave Tate performs a strip set of Yoke Bar Box Squats with Chains
Using Powerlifting to Heal
Using Powerlifting to Heal
Proper lifting technique is not only important in the gym, but it should also be applied to everyday life.
Squat Like the Man You were Designed to Be
Squat Like the Man You were Designed to Be
Believe me, your training will all of a sudden be turned into another kind of important.
Box Squat With Bands
Box Squat With Bands: The benefits of this exercise are numerous.
Under The Bar: Elastic Squatting and Other Stuff
Under The Bar: Elastic Squatting and Other Stuff
How to squat with bands and other random stuff.
Squat Progression for Young Athletes
Squat Progression for Young Athletes
The squat—the king of all exercises.
Teaching the Box Squat
Teaching the Box Squat
Teaching the Box Squat
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding, Part II
Box Squatting for Bodybuilding, Part II
It seems that “Box Squatting for Bodybuilding” garnered a lot of interest, so naturally I’m now bringing you part two.
Box Squats
Box Squats
I drove all the way home and realized that I left my Holy Briefs hanging outside the gym door (to dry in the Sun) so I went back and got them.
Squatting from Head to Toe
Squatting from Head to Toe
Here’s what you need to know about The Box Squat.
The Box Squat
The Box Squat
Almost all you need to know about the Box Squat.
Safety Bar Box Squats
Safety Bar Box Squats
This movement is performed the same as the regular box squat except you will be using the Safety Squat Bar.
Buffalo Bar Box Squat
Buffalo Bar Box Squat
The buffalo bar is a specially made bar that has a slight camber to it.
My Experience with Dan John’s 40-Day Workout Plan
My Experience with Dan John’s 40-Day Workout Plan
I started lifting weights in my early teens, using the York concrete-filled plates down in my parent’s basement. This was only the start.
The Thinker Discusses Olympic Lifts
The Thinker Discusses Olympic Lifts
Question 1: I’d like to thank you for all of the helpful tips, but this is where we’re going to crash. As an athlete, I’ve been performing the Olympic lifts since middle school. I use them with the athletes I train from day one and haven’t had any problems.
This is kind of a queer way to begin an article, but I still remember the first time I met him like it was yesterday. It was the fall of 2002, and we were sitting on opposite ends of the room in our public communication class as freshmen at Ithaca College.
Understanding Supplemental Exercises: The Deadlift
Understanding Supplemental Exercises: The Deadlift
In our series, “Overcoming Lousy Leverages,” Eric Cressey and I covered all three power lifts and discussed how smart training can lead to bigger totals. In this series, we will discuss the biomechanics behind each lift as well as several strategies to destroy any sticking points you may have. We will examine:

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