Why an Experienced Lifter Should Use a Coach
Why an Experienced Lifter Should Use a Coach
The best way I can explain this concept is to tell you a story about a pilot and his air traffic controller.
Bench Press Tips & Tricks For Tall Lifters
Bench Press Tips & Tricks For Tall Lifters
elitefts team member Christian Anto came to the Elitefts S5 Compound with his team of powerlifters and shot some videos with the crew. In this video, Christian teaches how get the most out of your leverages if you're a long-limbed lifter, for the bench press.
Technique Over Aggression
Technique Over Aggression
Here’s what I’ve learned to become an elite lifter at 220: accumulate faults and then fix them over the course of an off-season. You’ll be surprised how it all aligns if you just stop, reflect, work, and listen.
How I Teach the Squat
How I Teach the Squat
Everybody learns differently. Using five easy steps, this is my way of teaching clients and seminar attendees how to execute a squat.
Conjuphasic Progression for Max Effort and Accessories
Conjuphasic Progression for Max Effort and Accessories
How many sets and reps do you do with max effort work and accessories? Here’s what I prescribe for my conjuphasic clients. You’ll notice I love coming up with ways to self-regulate my athletes and clients through exercise prescription and programming.
The Overall Structure of Conjuphasic
The Overall Structure of Conjuphasic
Many mistakes were made over the first one and a half years of this program. I tested and made tweaks using Julia and me as guinea pigs so that my clients (and now you) can benefit from combining conjugate with triphasic.
How to Tell If Your Squat is Too Wide or Too Narrow
How to Tell If Your Squat is Too Wide or Too Narrow
Are your glutes activated? Are you hinging? Is it hard to reach depth? Falling forward? Answers to these questions may reveal that the stance you’re favoring is doing nothing for your squat.
Where Do Powerlifters Go From Here?
Where Do Powerlifters Go From Here?
Listen as you may, but I strongly urge you to not max out once you return to the gym. I know, you wanna see exactly how strong you are and impress your friends, but resist. Here’s why.
How-To: Specialty Squat Bars
How-To: Specialty Squat Bars
Let’s take a closer look at specialty bars and explore the REAL reasons you’ll want to use them for squats.
How to Coach a Successful Seminar
How to Coach a Successful Seminar
For my wife Julia and me, strength for the general population is the area that we felt we could help and influence the most. The following is a list of helpful points that has aided us in providing successful seminars to our attendees.
Competition Results: 7 elitefts Athletes, 3 Meets, 1 Weekend
Competition Results: 7 elitefts Athletes, 3 Meets, 1 Weekend
Check out how some of your favorite lifters did this past weekend at Great Lakes Raw, IPA Buckeye Brawl, and APF Raw Power Challenge.
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men
I think that sometimes-spontaneous people, those that fly by the seat of their pants, are better off than those who plan everything. It is my considered opinion that those who can alter or adopt a new one in the face of adversity or changed circumstances are the ones who succeed in anything.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #20 with Alwyn Cosgrove
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #20 with Alwyn Cosgrove
Alwyn Cosgrove made quite the splash at the SSTSS 2019 event, so it’s only natural we’d have him sit down with Dave… plus, we have a couple of other guests joining Dave and Alwyn. Any guesses? Their last name starts with ant and ends in O…
Meet Report: Making a Comeback at APF Nationals After a Painful Injury
Meet Report: Making a Comeback at APF Nationals After a Painful Injury
Two years ago, I injured myself at a meet. The pain was so bad I nearly pulled out of the meet. After talking with some experts, I decided to hop into the APF Nationals without a weight cut and with a quick prep. Let’s just say it’s good to be back.
Activate and Contract Lower Abdominals for a Healthy Pelvis Position
Activate and Contract Lower Abdominals for a Healthy Pelvis Position
Do not settle on one fix and rely on it. Instead, rely on multiple exercises and this simple formula: more muscle used = more stability = more strength. Considering your lower abdominals, here are two exercises to try.
WATCH: Learn to Train X — Practice Pelvis Correction for a Stronger Squat
WATCH: Learn to Train X — Practice Pelvis Correction for a Stronger Squat
Driving to the grocery store? Practice this in your car every time you hit a red light.
MEET REPORT: IPA North Carolina State Powerlifting Championships
MEET REPORT: IPA North Carolina State Powerlifting Championships
Two meets in less than a month? I know I’m 76—not 26— but when Joey Smith told me to get in the meet, I got in the meet.
XPC 2018 — Julia Sets Three PRs
XPC 2018 — Julia Sets Three PRs
Julia Ladewski provides us pre-competition insight, her mentality during a meet and what it means to represent elitefts under the bar. Check out her XPC 2018 results.
Bracing and the Hip Hinge
Bracing and the Hip Hinge
When your body is under load, minor mistakes can lead to major problems. Whether you’re an explosive lifter or more of a grinder, learning these techniques will greatly improve your squat.
Meet Report: RPS King and Queen of Spring
Meet Report: RPS King and Queen of Spring
I went into this meet to total 1800 at 180 pounds bodyweight, but learned an important lesson about having backup plans.
My First Time Competing on the XPC's Big Stage
My First Time Competing on the XPC's Big Stage
I left the biggest meet of my powerlifting career so far with a PR total, but more importantly, I learned eight valuable lessons for the future.
WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses
WATCH: Using the Box Squat to Correct Posterior Chain Weaknesses
If you or your clients are failing to properly load your glutes and hamstrings during a competition squat, this video will show you how.
2016 RPS Memphis Classic Meet Report
2016 RPS Memphis Classic Meet Report
This meet was about a few monster numbers that have been weighing down on me. All of the lessons from my elitefts teammates are starting to pay off.
WATCH: Personal Training vs. Online Coaching
WATCH: Personal Training vs. Online Coaching
Not all clients are serious strength athletes and not every coach prefers to work in-person. In this video Christian explains several key differences and shares his opinion on working with general population.
WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters
WATCH: Dave's Squat Tips for NBS Lifters
What began as a heavy squat session in the S4 Compound became an impromptu coaching session with Dave. Here are the five things he told these lifters to fix.
WATCH: How Christian Anto Became a Powerlifter
WATCH: How Christian Anto Became a Powerlifter
From nursing student and collegiate soccer player to one of the 10 best 181-pound powerlifters in the world.
WATCH: How To Properly Use the SS Yoke Bar
WATCH: How To Properly Use the SS Yoke Bar
This bar brings endless potential to your weight room — but only if used properly. Don’t forget these two cues.
Team Elitefts Welcomes Seven New Members
Team Elitefts Welcomes Seven New Members
Every member of this team has been meticulously chosen based on their unique talents. There’s more to earning your spot than lifting big weights.
2016 Arnold Sports Festival — Expo, XPC Meet Reports, and S4 Compound Events
2016 Arnold Sports Festival — Expo, XPC Meet Reports, and S4 Compound Ev...
Team elitefts did more than just compete this year at the Arnold. Everything we did is compiled here in one super-sized article.
External Rotation: Small Cue for a Big Squat
External Rotation: Small Cue for a Big Squat
This vital component of a safe and powerful squat has been misconstrued and misunderstood by much of the strength community. Let’s get it right.
Bridging the Gap: My Powerlifting Experience with EliteFTS
Bridging the Gap: My Powerlifting Experience with EliteFTS
Two years ago I stepped inside the EliteFTS S4 Compound for the first time for Learn to Train 6. A lot has changed in the past two years, and it all started with that first experience at an EliteFTS seminar.

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