elitefts™ Monster Hack Squat

The Monster Hack Squat is one of the favorite pieces of John Meadows and Dave Tate when destroying legs on the weekends.

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EFS Monster Mondo Hack Squat

Posterior Chain? Whatever. Everybody knows there are only three muscles that are important on any person's body:

* Neck/Traps
* Forearms
* Quads

Anything else is just for show and a complete waste of time. That is why the Monster Mondo Hack Squat is so important; it will help you develop a killer set of quads. As pointed out above this is 1/3rd the battle to a perfect physique. So what makes this piece better than all other hack squat machines?

1. It is huge.
2. Band pegs (top and bottom) - this will help overload the top or deload the bottom. The latter is essential for weaker lifters.
3. Massive platform for narrow and wide stance hack squatting. It's about 4 feet wide!
4. Five adjustments allow you to adjust the angle of the platform - now you can attack your quads on all fronts!
5. Weight storage - you have to have a place to store all the 45's.
6. Easy to put together. Dave and I (Jim) did it in about 30 minutes. Yes it is big but we were able to get it together with just two people!

Perhaps the best thing about the hack squat was my ability to actually go below parallel during a squat. I was very, very excited about that.

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