How to Increase Work Capacity Without Overtraining
How to Increase Work Capacity Without Overtraining
There’s a fine line between doing enough work and too much work. Don’t fall into this trap. Be realistic with yourself (and your clients, if you’re a coach) and train for long-term success, not for short-term burnout.
How to Progress in Your Strength Program
How to Progress in Your Strength Program
Ask yourself: “Is my training program based on me being strongest at every session?” If your answer is an honest yes, you might need to reconsider your program. Here’s how you can improve it.
Assisting Assistance Work
Assisting Assistance Work
I’ve heard before that a program rarely fails due to assistance work, but I disagree. This is the work that carries over to our main and supplemental movements, builds muscle, creates balance, and promotes integrity throughout the entire body.
Sequencing Assistance Work
Sequencing Assistance Work
How and when should you perform assistance exercises? What protocols are used for assistance work? Should exercises be changed or rotated? What about bands, chains, and specialty bars?
 Bare Bones Conjugate: A Bar, Rack, and Bench Weeks 9-13
Bare Bones Conjugate: A Bar, Rack, and Bench Weeks 9-13
This final wave includes a small taper at the end for peaking purposes. There are both banded and band-free options.
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Sequencing Assistance Work
WATCH: Table Talk with Swede Burns and JP Carroll — Sequencing Assistanc...
Would it be wise to follow the same percentage for a given workout for both the main lift and the assistance work? Or should the assistance work be planned differently?
Bare Bones Conjugate: A Bar, Rack, and Bench Weeks 5-8
Bare Bones Conjugate: A Bar, Rack, and Bench Weeks 5-8
The conjugate system is about max effort, dynamic effort, and the repetition method. You can do everything with just a rack, bar, bench, and some weights. Here are the next four weeks of the program.
4 Powerlifting Trump Cards You Should Hold Onto
4 Powerlifting Trump Cards You Should Hold Onto
Just like a game of euchre, there is an optimal time to play these trump cards in powerlifting.
Comeback Programming — Returning to the Gym After An Extended Break
Comeback Programming — Returning to the Gym After An Extended Break
You’ve been away from the gym, but now you’re back. With some intelligent programming you can resume training in such a way that you’ll be blowing through your old numbers without ever getting stuck.
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Things I Have Learned From 15 Years of Conjugate Training
Through a lot of ups downs since 2002, I’ve learned things both the hard way and the easy way. In one quick read, here are 137 of the best things to remember about conjugate.
Jeff Magruder: Powerlifter and Bench Press Champion
Jeff Magruder: Powerlifter and Bench Press Champion
A multi-world record holder in the bench press, a successful gym owner, and a successful all-around lifter, Magruder has certainly made his mark.
The Training Ego — Are You Letting It Win?
The Training Ego — Are You Letting It Win?
I had a training ego. It drove everything I did — every weight I put on the bar, every lift I took, and the design of every workout. And then one day, my training ego gave up.
How to Fix Your Bench Press: Programming Issues and Assistance Work
How to Fix Your Bench Press: Programming Issues and Assistance Work
Knowing now how to set up and execute the lift, there is one final process to perfect your bench press.
How to Fix Your Bench Press: The Execution
How to Fix Your Bench Press: The Execution
So far, we haven’t even moved the bar. Keeping in mind what we learned in part one of this series, we are now ready to begin the press.
7-Step Guide to Learning the Sumo Deadlift
7-Step Guide to Learning the Sumo Deadlift
This article includes video that shows the many physical and technical aspects you need to master to get the most of your sumo deadlift.
When IT Hits The Fan: The Stress Response
When IT Hits The Fan: The Stress Response
There will be times that your personal life overwhelms you. Getting through these rocky times will never be easy, but there are ways to ensure you make it out alive.
Fixing Your 'Fail at the Chest' Bench Press
Fixing Your 'Fail at the Chest' Bench Press
For correcting weaknesses in a given portion of a lift, you need to use what I call Mechanically Similar Movements.
Mistakes 101: Assistance Work
Mistakes 101: Assistance Work
Remember, you’re a powerlifter. You are not Kai Greene.
Unrecognized Benefits of a Commercial Gym
Unrecognized Benefits of a Commercial Gym
We all love a chalk-filled garage gym or a basement torture chamber with Olympic plates leaning against cracked cinder block walls, but the commercial gym presents some perks that your powerlifting gym lacks.
My Unique Methods for a World Record Squat
My Unique Methods for a World Record Squat
Not any old training system will give you an 860 raw squat at 220.
Elitefts Classic: 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions
Elitefts Classic: 52 Most Common 5/3/1 Questions
You’ve read the book, you know the program. Here’s how to perfect it.
From What You Wear to What You Do: It Matters
From What You Wear to What You Do: It Matters
Whether it’s shoes, equipment, or programming, your choices make a difference in how you perform under the bar.

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