Correct Application and Execution of The McGill Big 3
Correct Application and Execution of The McGill Big 3
The McGill Big 3 has been used for over three decades to help people recover from back pain. However, with the surge in online gurus and overnight trainers, the Big 3 has often been butchered and changed from its original intent.
#107 - Dr. Stuart McGill: Training with Low Back Pain
#107 - Dr. Stuart McGill: Training with Low Back Pain
Dr. Stuart McGill talks about lower back pain, how personality impacts recovery, and understanding how to ACTUALLY train your core.
How to Relieve Lower Back Pain
How to Relieve Lower Back Pain
I had my fair share of lower back issues to the point I needed to be fed by my wife. There are only so many times you can go through this before it clicks what the problem is and how to fix it. Here’s what I’ve figured out.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Daily Movements Lifters Are Screwing Up Outside of the Gym
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast Clip — Daily Movements Lifters Are Screwing U...
Stop screwing up your deloads and you’ll see less back pain and significantly increased performance. Then stop screwing up how you tie your shoes! Done incorrectly, small movements can add up to exacerbate back pain.
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
Bang Legs Without Banging Your Lower Back
It took me 26 years to develop lower back issues. But over the last 10 years, I’ve learned ways to work around them since becoming a slob is not an option. If you’re looking for ways to train legs without getting hurt (again), this article is for you.
Methods to Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
Methods to Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
Now that we have a clear understanding of what posture is and why it is important, we can begin developing a plan to improve it.
Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
Improve Your Posture for Sport Performance
As a lifter, and likely someone that sits at a desk a lot, the odds are you spend a lot of time slouching, with tight hip flexors, pecs and biceps, fueling the fire of kyphosis, lordosis, and medial humeral rotation.
Rebuild the Squat from the Bottom Up: Your Ankles May Be Shutting Off Your Glutes
Rebuild the Squat from the Bottom Up: Your Ankles May Be Shutting Off Yo...
If you’ve addressed pelvis position but your mobility, mechanics, or pain aren’t changing, consider that your neurological reference center may need to shift. Shift it to your heels.
WPC World Championships — My 12-Week Meet Prep for a 1000-Pound Squat
WPC World Championships — My 12-Week Meet Prep for a 1000-Pound Squat
I won my division at the 2014 WPC Worlds. I’m hoping to repeat this year, but there’s also another goal I’m focused on.
Embracing the Bracing
Embracing the Bracing
Day 1: Constant, crippling pain. Day 10: Pain free. This is the new game plan for lower back nerve pain.
Do You Speak Pain?
Do You Speak Pain?
When your body speaks, do you listen? You’ll pay a heavy price for ignoring it.
Beyond the Barbell
Beyond the Barbell
For most powerlifters, exercise begins and ends with the barbell. What if I told you there were ways to get better without it?
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 2)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 2)
The second segment of Brian’s journey to a healthier back.
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 1)
A Day with Dr. Stuart McGill (Part 1)
Brian Carroll’s journey to a healthier, pain-free back.
Training Around Back Pain
Training Around Back Pain
The bottom position of a squat or deadlift is where the lumbar spine is most vulnerable.
My Back is Killing Me!
My Back is Killing Me!
Lower back pain can be a common pain source for powerlifters and other strength athletes.
Back pain? My ass!
Back pain? My ass!
I’ve had so much pain in my lower back that it’s hard to get up or sit down in a chair, let alone try to squat or deadlift a couple hundred pounds.
 Correcting Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Part 1
Correcting Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, Part 1
The sacroiliac joints (SI) are a common source of lower back problems for a wide range of people including housewives, professional athletes, and elite lifters. The SI joints don’t discriminate.

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