7 Myths of Collegiate Strength and Conditioning
7 Myths of Collegiate Strength and Conditioning
“We are a family.” This is the first collegiate strength and conditioning myth I’d like to debunk. Hear me out.
The End of My Era as a Strength and Conditioning Coach
The End of My Era as a Strength and Conditioning Coach
I have left collegiate strength and conditioning because I’m concerned with where we’re going as a profession. I still want to be a positive force for the profession, but I’m not sure how to help. I’ll try to keep being a voice of change for positivity.
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Have Young Athletes Really Changed?
Enough with the “back in my day, kids did this…” crap. Today is today. Things haven’t changed that much, and if you can’t adapt to what has changed, maybe you shouldn’t be a strength coach.
It's On Us to Become Better Strength Coaches
It's On Us to Become Better Strength Coaches
I’m here to remind everyone that we all have a part to play in making our field better and safer for our athletes. It’s on us to ensure our athletes, schools, and overall profession are all the best they can be. Start by implementing these 5 simple steps in your program.
WATCH: Matt Rhodes on Getting His Foot Through the Door
WATCH: Matt Rhodes on Getting His Foot Through the Door
“People I knew got my foot in the door, and I got myself through the door.” Morehead State strength and conditioning coach Matt Rhodes shares his story of how he made his way into the collegiate strength and conditioning world.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Certifications and Qualifications
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Certifications and Qualifications
Previously, I’ve discussed relationships with sports coaches and administrators. In Part 3 of this series, I’ll cover some of the biggest issues and names in our field: certification, qualifications, the NCAA, NSCA, and CSCCa.
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Administrators
Strength and Conditioning is Failing: Our Relationship with Administrators
In Part 1, I covered problems strength and conditioning coaches deal with when it comes to sports coaches, whom we work with on a regular basis. Now, I’ll go over a group we don’t deal with every day but impact everything we do: the administrators.
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #15 with Phil Matusz
LISTEN: Table Talk Podcast #15 with Phil Matusz
In this episode of Table Talk Podcast, Dave Tate talks shop with Phil Matusz, the associate director of strength and conditioning for the Ohio State University football team.
Cal Poly Promotes Sara MacKenzie as Director of Strength and Conditioning
Cal Poly Promotes Sara MacKenzie as Director of Strength and Conditioning
Sara MacKenzie was promoted to Director of Strength and Conditioning at Cal Poly, making her the second woman who holds that position among all NCAA Division I schools with football programs.
Grading Professionalism in Collegiate Strength and Conditioning
Grading Professionalism in Collegiate Strength and Conditioning
This is a difficult issue to balance because people expect us to be over the top and screaming all the time. I’m asking that we raise the level of professionalism.

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