The Legacy
The Legacy
Because I grew up in Akron, Ohio, I’ll never forget the impact LeBron James has had on my life. But it’s not the championships or the records that I admire him for most.
Fear Exposed
Fear Exposed
Aside from the warning signs of a shit coach, there’s a moral to this story.
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Strong(er)
I'm Too Young to Be This Damn Old: Strong(er)
I’ve been told that to have obtained world records at age 71 requires extraordinary resolve. I don’t see it that way.
Chose your pain, discipline, or regret. Suffer moving forward, suffer looking backward.
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Strong(er): No Minimum Age Required
Pure hard work does pay off, and most of the time, it can trump talent.
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
Developing Extraordinary Resolve
You do not have to wait for the New Year to develop extraordinary resolve, but if the calendar is a useful reminder, use it to your advantage.
Under The Bar: Extraordinary Resolve
Under The Bar: Extraordinary Resolve
What is extraordinary resolve?
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
What does (er) mean to you?
(er) Extraordinary Resolve: Strong(er)
(er) Extraordinary Resolve: Strong(er)
What does (er) mean to you?
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
They are NOT Angry Birds! (Part 2.1)
We are two different people and his experiences will not be the same as mine; they will be his own. I want SO badly for him to not to go through the things I did, that it’s taken me a long time to see that he won’t.
Words of Wisdom: Extraordinary Resolve
Words of Wisdom: Extraordinary Resolve
Since you faced cancer and survived, how has it impacted your view on life and what is really important to you?

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