6 Tactics to Fight the Thanksgiving Fluff
6 Tactics to Fight the Thanksgiving Fluff
Thanksgiving will leave you feeling like that butterball on the dinner table, unless you plan accordingly.
The Pandemic Nobody Wants to Acknowledge
The Pandemic Nobody Wants to Acknowledge
The pandemic I’m speaking of is obesity, and unlike COVID-19, it doesn’t seem to be subsiding. What’s even worse is that it’s getting worse each year.
Does Muscle Turn into Fat?
Does Muscle Turn into Fat?
Muscle is a constant consumer of energy and fat is an organ that stores it, but they do share some common cell lineage. Can one become the other?
Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol
Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol
There are many ways that drinking alcohol is toxic not only to the body but also to any bodybuilding goals. It is harmful for adding muscle mass, minimizing body fat, and will hinder your performance and your health.
Ways to Sneak Cardio into Your Training
Ways to Sneak Cardio into Your Training
Following one, any, or all of these suggestions is a solid way to help prevent packing on some holiday pounds and to keep your strength gains strong.
Throw Away the Calorie Calculator — A Better Way to Manage Caloric Intake
Throw Away the Calorie Calculator — A Better Way to Manage Caloric Intake
Within this article I am going to share my goal-based methods for assessing caloric needs, macronutrient ratios, and training protocols for my clients.
Energy Budget: Why You Can’t Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss
Energy Budget: Why You Can’t Exercise Your Way to Weight Loss
Your friend who runs seven miles a day is likely not burning any more energy than you are doing chores around the house. How the hell is this possible?
10 Nutrition Myths That Just Need to Die
10 Nutrition Myths That Just Need to Die
Despite how inaccurate these nutrition beliefs are, they just won’t seem to go away. It’s time we kill them.
The Post-Contest Reality of Food
The Post-Contest Reality of Food
I recognize the value in celebrating an accomplishment, strategically spiking carbs within the context of your nutrition plan, or the need for a psychological break from the humdrum monotony of dieting. But it can go too far.
Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Tissue Takes Time — 3 Lessons From Improvement Season
Given the advantage of hindsight and the progress I enjoyed during a productive six month off-season, it’s time to share the most valuable lessons from placing all my efforts on getting big without letting my physique get sloppy.
Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Dieting and Training
Contest Prep Aftermath: Reverse Dieting and Training
In this first installment of the three-part series, let’s dig into the rationale behind reverse dieting and why it is so important for not only your growth as a competitor but your long-term health.
Unraveling Insulin Resistance
Unraveling Insulin Resistance
IR sufferers need to replace their carb intake with proteins and fats…or do they?
The Thyroid — Regulator of Your Metabolic Fate
The Thyroid — Regulator of Your Metabolic Fate
It may be small, but this endocrine organ controls whether you can eat ice cream and be lean or eat a salad and be overweight. How can you know if yours is operating properly?
Cheat Day Delusions
Cheat Day Delusions
You’re going to need to meet a very specific criteria before you can indulge on a day full of crunchy, salty, sweet, rich, and savory taste-bud bliss.
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave's Best Cheat Meal (13,909 calories!)
WATCH: Table Talk — Dave's Best Cheat Meal (13,909 calories!)
If you have only one opportunity per month to eat the foods you want, you don’t waste it. By the end of the night I felt like I was going to die.
Are the Claims True About Skipping Breakfast and Weight Gain?
Are the Claims True About Skipping Breakfast and Weight Gain?
Will skipping breakfast make you gain weight? The opinions in this video offer enlightening insight. Maybe skipping breakfast is not so bad after all?
Cardio in the Off-Season: Blasphemy, Beneficial or Badass
Cardio in the Off-Season: Blasphemy, Beneficial or Badass
Can off-season cardio make for a leaner, healthier growing bodybuilder or will it nip your gains in the bud? Stevenson solves the cardio conundrum.

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