Improve Your Bench Immediately Using These Training Cues
Improve Your Bench Immediately Using These Training Cues
I’ve always said it only takes a single well-thought-out cue to change the way someone approaches a lift. I’m certain that one of these bench cues below are going to be that single cue that you’ve been waiting for.
LISTEN: All Things Strength & Wellness Episode 112 with Dr. Bryan Mann
LISTEN: All Things Strength & Wellness Episode 112 with Dr. Bryan Mann
For this appearance, Dr. Mann focuses on the physiology of force production, strategies for monitoring stress in athletes, and his experience with Altis.
Building the Perfect Pressing Platform — From Feet to Shoulders
Building the Perfect Pressing Platform — From Feet to Shoulders
I want to take a look at the press from an osteokinematic, biomechanical, and maximal performance viewpoint, in an effort to marry the three into the safest and strongest pressing position possible.
What I Think I Know About Muscle Growth
What I Think I Know About Muscle Growth
I am not an in-the-lab scientist; per my own training practice, I care about what I can apply, not what I can argue about.
Muscle Fiber Types and Training
Muscle Fiber Types and Training
In this article I aim to explain the difference between slow and fast twitch muscle fibers and what impact training may have on them.
I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie
I Like Big Butts and I Cannot Lie
If Sir Mixalot taught us one thing, it’s that big butts rule.

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